Elmer M. Colyer, "An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance," Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Supplement 1 (2011): 38-63; revised online edition (#2017-EMC-1). |
Theology in Reconstruction (#1965-223)
Chapter 12: Spiritus Creator: A Consideration of the Teaching of St. Athanasius and St Basil (#1965-223n)
Chapter 14: Come, Creator Spirit, for the Renewal of Worship and Witness (#1965-223p)
The Trinitarian Faith (#1988-489)
Chapter 6: The Eternal Spirit (#1988-489g)
Chapter 14 of Theology in Reconstruction and Chapter 6 in The Trinitarian Faith are Torrance's two most important discussions of pneumatology.
Christian Doctrine of God (#1996-595)
pp. 59-67, 147-55, 180-94.
God and Rationality (#1971-290)
Chapter 7: The Epistemological Relevance of the Spirit (#1971-290h)
Colyer, How To Read T. F. Torrance (#2001-EMC-1)
Chapter 6: The Holy Spirit
Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (#2009-PDM-1)
Chapter 6: Torrance's Pneumatology
Colyer, ed., Promise of Trinitarian Theology (#2001-EMC-2)
Chapter 4: The Holy Spirit in T. F. Torrance's Theology, by Gary W. Deddo