Elmer M. Colyer, "An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance," Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Supplement 1 (2011): 38-63; revised online edition (#2017-EMC-1). |
Theology in Reconstruction (#1965-223)
Chapter 11: The Foundation of the Church: Union with Christ (#1965-223m)
The Trinitarian Faith (#1988-489)
Chapter 7: The One Church (#1988-489h)
Chapter 11 in Theology in Reconstruction and Chapter 7 in The Trinitarian Faith are Torrance's two most important discussions of ecclesiology.
"The Deposit of Faith," Scottish Journal of Theology 36: 1-28; #1983-423
Theology in Reconciliation (#1975-322)
Chapter 1: Ecumenism (#1975-322b)
Chapter 2: The One Baptism Common to Christ and His Church (#1975-322c)
Chapter 3: The Paschal Mystery of Christ and the Eucharist (#1975-322d)
Chapter 6: The Church in the New Era of Scientific and Cosmological Change (#1975-322g)
Royal Priesthood: A Theology of Ordained Ministry.
Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2nd. ed. (#1993-561).
This is the most important work of Torrance on ordained ministry, though there are additional discussions in the two volumes next in this list.
Conflict and Agreement in the Church, vol. 1, Order and Disorder; (#1959-139). Reprint; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock: (#1996-TFT-1).
The first volume of Conflict and Agreement in the Church is primarily about ecumenical discussions with various churches and problems in relation to faith and order.
Conflict and Agreement in the Church, vol. 2, The Ministry and the Sacraments of the Gospel. London: Lutterworth Press (#1960-155). Reprint; Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock (#1996-TFT-1).
Chapter 1: The Ministry (#1960-155b)
Chapter 3: The Sacrament of Baptism (#1960-155d)
Chapter 4: The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (#1960-155e)
Kingdom and Church: A Study in the Theology of the Reformation (#1956-089)
This volume is on the eschatology of Luther, Butzer, and Calvin, but there are significant discussions of various aspects of ecclesiology in which Torrance's own views are evident.
Colyer, How To Read T. F. Torrance (#2001-EMC-1)
Chapter 7: The Church, the Body of Christ
Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (#2009-PDM-1)
Chapter 6: Torrance's Trinitarian Understanding of the Church, Sacraments and Ministry
Colyer, ed., Promise of Trinitarian Theology (#2001-EMC-2)
Chapter 6: The Dimension of Depth: Thomas F. Torrance on the Sacraments, by George Hunsinger
Chapter 7: Reading T. F. Torrance as a Practical Theologian, by Ray S. Anderson