The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 381 A.D.


Thomas F. Torrance, "The Nicene Creed: Its Emergence in History — The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 381 A.D," Scottish Church Theological Society Bulletin (1981): ; #1981-392


Torrance, Thomas F. "The Nicene Creed: Its Emergence in History — The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, 381 A.D." Scottish Church Theological Society Bulletin (1981) ; #1981-392

Revision status

Need correct journal title: Possibly the Scottish Evangelical Theological Society Bulletin? 1 issue only, in 1981.

Succeeded by the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology.

Have put in an ILL request, but it failed and was canceled. Need page numbers, OCLC, other info.

Journal (click to see more)