Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020)
Molnar, Paul D., and Myk Habets, editors. T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance. London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020
Ebook available.
Dedicated to The Very Reverend Professor Thomas F. Torrance (1913-2007): preeminent scholar, churchman, ecumenist, pastor, and advocate of "scientific theology." In Memoriam.
This handbook explores Thomas F. Torrance's importance in modern theology, with each contribution bringing Torrance's deep and nuanced insights to a broad range of contemporary theological concerns. The contributors to this volume present cutting-edge Torrance scholarship for a new generation, which will enable readers to see the timely significance of Torrance for today.
Comprising both contexts and dogmatics, these essays not only introduce key themes in Torrance's extensive published writings – including his work on the Trinity, ecumenism, incarnation, atonement, and eschatology - but also provide fresh interpretations fully conversant with theological problems facing the church in the world today. Designed as both a guide for students and a reference point for scholars, this handbook thoroughly explores the frameworks of key debates related to Torrance's theology, while also suggesting fresh interpretative strategies concerning his thought.
Notes on Contributors
Foreword, George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA; #2020-GH-1.
1. Introduction, Paul D. Molnar, St. John's University, Queens, New York, USA; #2020-PDM-1.
Part I: Contexts
2. Why Read Torrance Today?, Ivor J. Davidson, University of Aberdeen, UK; #2020-IJD-1.
3. Thomas F. Torrance as a Scottish Theologian, David Fergusson, University of Edinburgh, UK; #2020-DASF-1.
4. Thomas F. Torrance and Ecumenism, Joel Scandrett, Trinity School for Ministry, USA; #2020-JS2-1.
5. Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Barth: Similarities and Differences, Paul D. Molnar, St John's University, Queens, New York, USA; #2020-PDM-2.
6. Thomas F. Torrance's Influence upon Ray Anderson's Paradigm of a Practical Theology of Ministry, Todd Speidell, Editor, USA; #2020-THS-1.
7. Thomas F. Torrance: Historian of Dogma, Jason R. Radcliff, The Stony Brook School, USA; #2020-JRR-1.
8. Theological Science Then and Now, Travis Stevick, Independent Scholar, USA; #2020-TMS-1.
Part II: Dogmatics
9. Thomas F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Revelation, John C. McDowell, University of Divinity, Australia; #2020-JCM-1.
10. The Importance of the Personal in the Onto-relational Theology of Thomas F. Torrance, Gary W. Deddo, Grace Communion Seminary, USA; #2020-GWD-1.
11. Thomas F. Torrance and the Trinity, Christopher R. J. Holmes, University of Otago, New Zealand; #2020-CRJH-1.
12. Incarnation and Atonement, Thomas A. Noble, Nazarene Theological Seminary, USA; #2020-TAN-1.
13. The Innovative Fruitfulness of an/en-hypostasis in Thomas F. Torrance, Robert T. Walker, University of Edinburgh, UK; #2020-RTW-1.
14. “Jesus Christ Is Our Human Response to God”: Divine and Human Agency in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance, Christian D. Kettler, Friends University, USA; #2020-CDK-1.
15. Thomas F. Torrance and Ecclesiology, Kate Tyler, Bishopdale College, New Zealand; #2020-KT-1.
16. “Not I, but Christ”: Thomas F. Torrance on the Christian Life, E. Jerome Van Kuiken, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, USA; #2020-EJVK-1.
17. Theologia Is Eusebia: Thomas F. Torrance's Church Homiletics, Myk Habets, Laidlaw College, Auckland, and Australian College of Theology, Australia; #2020-MH-1.
18. The End of Ministry: Thomas F. Torrance and Eschatology, Andrew Purves, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, USA; #2020-AP-1.
Name Index
Subject Index