Member Publications
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Total Records: 451
This list of Member Publications includes both Sources and Studies which engage the theology and ideas of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance. To submit a publication, please use the Publications Form.
McGrath # | Reference Type | Date | More by this Author | Publication | View complete record |
2024-PDM-1 | Book | 2024 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, The Centrality of Christ in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance: Some Dogmatic Implications (London: T&T Clark, 2024) |
The Centrality of Christ in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance |
2024-BR-1 | Book | 2024 | Ritchie, Bruce | Bruce Ritchie, James Clerk Maxwell: Faith, Church and Physics (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 2024) |
James Clerk Maxwell |
2024-TAN-1 | Book chapter | 2024 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, "The Theological Curriculum," in Svetlana Khobnya, Arseny Ermakov, Deirdre Brower Latz, Peter Rae, MiJa Wi, eds., The Holy People of God: Identity, Contexts, Challenges (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2024), 213-222 |
The Theological Curriculum |
2023-PDM-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, "Conflicting Visions of Grace and Nature: Appraising the Views of Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Rahner," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 3-59; #2023-PDM-1 |
Conflicting Visions of Grace and Nature |
2023-PDM-2 | Journal article | 2023 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, "Torrance, Justification by Grace Alone, and 'Liberation Theology,'" Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 101-150; #2023-PDM-2 |
Torrance, Justification by Grace Alone, and 'Liberation Theology' |
2023-THS-2 | Journal article | 2023 | Speidell, Todd H., Molnar, Paul D. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview with Paul D. Molnar," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 81-97; #2023-THS-2 |
Interview with Paul D. Molnar |
2023-JR-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | Richards, Jenny | Jenny Richards, "'Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All': Using the Work of T. F. and J. B. Torrance to Address Domestic and Family Violence," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 261-281 |
Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All |
2023-JSB-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy S. Begbie, "Incarnation, Creation, and New Creation: T. F. Torrance and a Theological Re-Visioning of the Arts," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 61-79; #2023-JSB-1 |
Incarnation, Creation, and New Creation |
2023-THS-2 | Journal article | 2023 | Speidell, Todd H., Molnar, Paul D. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview with Paul D. Molnar," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 81-97; #2023-THS-2 |
Interview with Paul D. Molnar |
2023-THS-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "The Soteriological Suspension of Ethics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 151-190; #2023-THS-1 |
The Soteriological Suspension of Ethics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance |
2023-CDK-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, "Response to Todd H. Speidell," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 191-198; #2023-CDK-1 |
Response to Todd H. Speidell |
2023-IJD-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Davidson, Ivor J. | Ivor J. Davidson, Review of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God in Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance (T&T Clark, 2022), Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 201-212; #2023-IJD-1 |
Review of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God |
2023-EJVK-2 | Journal article | 2023 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome van Kuiken, "Up, Up and Away: Christian Kettler's Corpus and the Rise of 'Affective Barthianism': A Review Essay," Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 213-228; #2023-EJVK-2 |
Up, Up and Away: Christian Kettler's Corpus and the Rise of 'Affective Barthianism' |
2023-CDK-2 | Journal article | 2023 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, Review of Todd Speidell, Greg Marcar, and Andrew Torrance, eds., Søren Kierkegaard: Theologian of the Gospel (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2021), Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023), 229-233; #2023-CDK-2 |
Review of Søren Kierkegaard: Theologian of the Gospel |
2023-PLM-1 | Book | 2023 | Metzger, Paul Louis | Paul Louis Metzger, More Than Things: A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2023) |
More Than Things |
2023-SZ-1 | Journal article | 2023 | Zahl, Simeon | Simeon Zahl, "Response to Van Kuiken," Participatio 10: "The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience" (2022): 235-240 |
Response to Van Kuiken |
2023-MH-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "Torrance, Theosis, and Evangelical Reception," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 221-238 |
Torrance, Theosis, and Evangelical Reception |
2023-SJ-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | John, Stavan Narendra | Stavan Narendra John, "Torrance and Global Evangelicalism: Some Potential Generative Exchanges with Contemporary Indian Evangelical Theology," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 308-325 |
Torrance and Global Evangelicalism |
2023-GWZ-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Ziegler, Geordie W. | Geordie W. Ziegler, "Thinking and Acting in Christ: Torrance on Spiritual Formation," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 239-260 |
Thinking and Acting in Christ |
2023-EJVK-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Torrance and Christ’s Assumption of Fallen Human Nature: Toward Clarification and Closure," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 204-220 |
Torrance and Christ’s Assumption of Fallen Human Nature |
2023-CGW-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Woznicki, Christopher G. | Christopher G. Woznicki, "Torrance and Atonement," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 179-203 |
Torrance and Atonement |
2023-WRH-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Hastings, W. Ross | W. Ross Hastings, "Theology and Science in Torrance," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 111-132 |
Theology and Science in Torrance |
2023-MH-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "Revelation, Rationalism, and an Evangelical Impasse," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 84-110 |
Revelation, Rationalism, and an Evangelical Impasse |
2023-JWP-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Warren Pagán, Jonathan | Johnathan Warren P. (Pagán), "Torrance, the Tacit Dimension, and the Church Fathers," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 39-63 |
Torrance, the Tacit Dimension, and the Church Fathers |
2023-TAN-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, "Thomas F. Torrance and the Evangelical Tradition," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 8-38 |
Thomas F. Torrance and the Evangelical Tradition |
2023-MH-RLS-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | Habets, Myk, Stamps, R. Lucas | Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, "Introduction: Torrance and Evangelical Theology in Conversation," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 1-7 |
Introduction |
2023-MH-RLS-2 | Book chapter | 2023 | Habets, Myk, Stamps, R. Lucas | Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, "Introduction: Torrance and Evangelical Theology in Conversation," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 1-7 |
Introduction |
2023-FS-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Sanders, Fred | Fred Sanders, "Foreword," in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), xv-xvii |
Foreword |
2023-MH-RLS-1 | Book | 2023 | Habets, Myk, Stamps, R. Lucas | Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, eds., Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023) |
Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology |
2023-MH-RLS-1 | Book | 2023 | Habets, Myk, Stamps, R. Lucas | Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, eds., Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023) |
Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology |
2023-MF-1 | Book chapter | 2023 | Folsom, Marty | Marty Folsom, "Barth, Torrance, and Evangelicals: Critiquing and Reinvigorating the Idea of a 'Personal Relationship with Jesus,'" in Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis, ed. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology (Bellingham, Washington: Lexham Academic, 2023), 156-178 |
Barth, Torrance, and Evangelicals |
2022-OU-1 | Collection | 2022 | Magruder, Kerry | The Thomas F. Torrance History of Science Collection, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries |
The Thomas F. Torrance History of Science Collection |
2022-PDM-1 | Book | 2022 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God in Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance (T&T Clark, 2022) |
Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God in Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance |
2022-EJVK-2 | Journal article | 2022 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, review of Simeon Zahl, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)," Participatio 10: "The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience" (2022): 229-233 |
Review of Simeon Zahl (2020) |
2023-TAN-1 | Book | 2022 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 1 of Christian Theology, 3 vols. (Kansas City, Missouri: The Foundry Publishing, 2022) Footnote citations for individual parts: Thomas A. Noble, Faith and History, Part 1 of The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 1 of Christian Theology, 3 vols. (Kansas City, Missouri: The Foundry Publishing, 2022) Thomas A. Noble, Christology: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Part 2 of The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 1 of Christian Theology, 3 vols. (Kansas City, Missouri: The Foundry Publishing, 2022) Thomas A. Noble, Soteriology: The Doctrine of the Work of Christ, Part 3 of The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, vol. 1 of Christian Theology, 3 vols. (Kansas City, Missouri: The Foundry Publishing, 2022) Footnote citation for the entire work: Thomas A. Noble, Christian Theology, 3 vols. (Kansas City, Missouri: The Foundry Publishing, 2022, vols. 2-3 forthcoming) |
The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
2018-MM-1 | Book | 2022 | Michael D. Morrison, ed., Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 2: Interviews With More Theologians (Charlotte, North Carolina: Grace Communion International, 2022) |
Trinitarian Conversations, Volume 2 | |
2022-AEM-1 | Journal article | 2022 | McGrath, Alister E. | Alister E. McGrath, "Place, history and incarnation: On the subjective aspects of christology," Scottish Journal of Theology 75 (2022): 137–147 |
Place, history and incarnation |
2022-TAN-JSS-1 | Book | 2022 | Noble, Thomas A., Sexton, Jason S. | Thomas A. Noble and Jason S. Sexton, eds., British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century: An Enduring Legacy (London: Apollos, 2022) |
British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century |
2022-TAN-JSS-1 | Book | 2022 | Noble, Thomas A., Sexton, Jason S. | Thomas A. Noble and Jason S. Sexton, eds., British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century: An Enduring Legacy (London: Apollos, 2022) |
British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century |
2022-RTW-1 | Book chapter | 2022 | Walker, Robert T. | Robert T. Walker, "Thomas F. Torrance," in British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century: An Enduring Legacy, ed. Thomas A. Noble and Jason S. Sexton (London: Apollos, 2022), 197-219 |
Thomas F. Torrance |
2021-BR-1 | Book | 2021 | Ritchie, Bruce | Bruce Ritchie, T. F. Torrance in Recollection and Reappraisal (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2021) |
T. F. Torrance in Recollection and Reappraisal |
2021-PLM-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Metzger, Paul Louis | Paul Louis Metzger, "The Import of Thomas F. Torrance’s Theological Anthropology for Addressing Racialization in Contemporary Society," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 129-156 |
The Import of Thomas F. Torrance’s Theological Anthropology for Addressing Racialization in Contemporary Society |
2021-DWT-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Torrance, David W. | David W. Torrance, "Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Reflections of a Brother," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 7-29 |
Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Reflections of a Brother |
2021-GWZ-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Ziegler, Geordie W. | Geordie W. Ziegler, "The Imago Dei as a Word of Grace in the Theological Anthropology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 157-172 |
The Imago Dei as a Word of Grace in the Theological Anthropology of Thomas F. Torrance |
2021-GWD-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "Resisting Reductionism: Why We Need a Truly Theological Anthropology to counter the Dehumanization of God’s Humanity," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 95-128 |
Resisting Reductionism |
2021-MF-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Folsom, Marty | Marty Folsom, "Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism: Distinctions, Clarifications, and Paths Forward for Christian Anthropology," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 69-94 |
Thomas F. Torrance and Personalism |
2021-DJC-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Cameron, Daniel J. | Daniel J. Cameron, "Incarnation and Recreation: The Fallen Nature of Christ and the Re-creation of Humanity," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 51-68 |
Incarnation and Recreation |
2021-HK2-2 | Journal article | 2021 | Kim, Hakbong | Hakbong Kim, "Thomas F. Torrance and Theological Anthropology," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 31-49 |
Thomas F. Torrance and Theological Anthropology |
2021-MH-GWZ-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Habets, Myk, Ziegler, Geordie W. | Myk Habets and Geordie W. Ziegler, "Editorial," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 1-6 |
Editorial |
2021-MH-GWZ-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Habets, Myk, Ziegler, Geordie W. | Myk Habets and Geordie W. Ziegler, "Editorial," Participatio 9, "Theological Anthropology" (2021): 1-6 |
Editorial |
2021-ST2-1 | Book | 2021 | Tsoukalas, Steven | Steven Tsoukalas, The Neglected Trinity: Recovering from Theological Amnesia (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2021) |
The Neglected Trinity |
2021-EJVK-1 | Journal article | 2021 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, “Sinless Savior in Fallen Flesh? Toward Clarifying and Closing the Debate,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 64, no. 2 (2021): 327–340 |
Sinless Savior in Fallen Flesh? |
2021-CBK-1 | Original typescript | 2021 | Kaiser, Christopher B. | Christopher B. Kaiser, "My Recollections of Thomas F. Torrance" (typescript dated 28 September 2021) |
My Recollections of Thomas F. Torrance |
ohm | Oral History | 2021 | Raffa, Kristi, Lorance, Stephen, Purkaple, Brent, Magruder, Kerry | Kristi Raffa, Kerry Magruder, Stephen Lorance, and Brent Purkaple, "The Torrance Oral History Project Manual," The T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2021; |
The Torrance Oral History Project Manual |
ohm | Oral History | 2021 | Raffa, Kristi, Lorance, Stephen, Purkaple, Brent, Magruder, Kerry | Kristi Raffa, Kerry Magruder, Stephen Lorance, and Brent Purkaple, "The Torrance Oral History Project Manual," The T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2021; |
The Torrance Oral History Project Manual |
ohm | Oral History | 2021 | Raffa, Kristi, Lorance, Stephen, Purkaple, Brent, Magruder, Kerry | Kristi Raffa, Kerry Magruder, Stephen Lorance, and Brent Purkaple, "The Torrance Oral History Project Manual," The T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2021; |
The Torrance Oral History Project Manual |
ohm | Oral History | 2021 | Raffa, Kristi, Lorance, Stephen, Purkaple, Brent, Magruder, Kerry | Kristi Raffa, Kerry Magruder, Stephen Lorance, and Brent Purkaple, "The Torrance Oral History Project Manual," The T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, 2021; |
The Torrance Oral History Project Manual |
2021-CET-1 | Dissertation | 2021 | Thornton, Christine E. | Christine E. Thornton, "Knowing God in the Body of Christ: The Epistemic Significance of the Church in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (PhD dissertation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021) |
Knowing God in the Body of Christ |
2021-AP-1 | Presentation | 2021 | Purves, Andrew | Andrew Purves, “COVID 19 and The Apocalypse Today: A Thought Experiment in Pastoral Theology,” T. F. Torrance Fellowship Workshop-Retreat, opening address, July 30, 2021 |
COVID 19 and The Apocalypse Today |
2021-SL-1 | Dissertation | 2021 | Lorance, Stephen | Stephen Lorance, "T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Trinitarianism: Cutting behind the “Latin Heresy” in Augustine's Trinitarian Theology" (PhD dissertation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021) |
T. F. Torrance's Ecumenical Trinitarianism |
2020-PDM-MH-1 | Book | 2020 | Molnar, Paul D., Habets, Myk | Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020) |
T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-PDM-MH-1 | Book | 2020 | Molnar, Paul D., Habets, Myk | Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020) |
T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-RTW-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Walker, Robert T. | Robert T. Walker, "The Innovative Fruitfulness of an/enhypostasis in Thomas F. Torrance," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 189-206 |
The Innovative Fruitfulness of an/enhypostasis in Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-THS-2 | Audiovisual material | 2020 | Speidell, Todd H., Kettler, Christian D. | Todd H. Speidell, "T. F. Torrance's Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical," keynote presentation with response by Christian D. Kettler (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2020) |
T. F. Torrance's Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical |
2020-THS-2 | Audiovisual material | 2020 | Speidell, Todd H., Kettler, Christian D. | Todd H. Speidell, "T. F. Torrance's Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical," keynote presentation with response by Christian D. Kettler (Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2020) |
T. F. Torrance's Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical |
2020-CMK-1 | Book | 2020 | MacKellar, Calum | Calum MacKellar, Christianity and the New Eugenics: Should We Choose To Have Only Healthy Or Enhanced Children? (InterVarsity Press UK, 2020) |
Christianity and the New Eugenics |
2020-ST2-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Tsoukalas, Steven | Steven Tsoukalas, "Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Use of Predicates and Homoousios as Foundational to the Answer," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 63, no. 2 (2020): 307-330 |
Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? |
2020-P-1 | Journal issue | 2020 | Participatio 8: "Torrance and Biblical Theology" (2020); #2020-P-1 |
Torrance and Biblical Theology | |
2020-PO-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Owen, Paul | Paul Owen, "An Essay-Review of Michael F. Bird and Preston M. Sprinkle, eds., The Faith of Jesus Christ: Exegetical, Biblical, and Theological Studies (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2009)," Participatio 8 (2020): 112-138; #2020-PO-1 |
An Essay-Review of Michael F. Bird and Preston M. Sprinkle, The Faith of Jesus Christ |
2020-EHPB-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Backfish, Elizabeth H. P. | Elizabeth H. P. Backfish, "Shattering Itself against the Covenant: Reading Judges 2:20-22 with Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 8 (2020): 46-64; #2020-EHPB-1 |
Shattering Itself against the Covenant |
2020-JCM-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | McDowell, John C. | John C. McDowell, "Thomas F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Revelation," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 127-141 |
Thomas F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Revelation |
KM-2020-1 | Syllabus | 2020 | Magruder, Kerry | Kerry Magruder, Syllabus: TH504 Trinitarian Perspectives on Faith and Science, Grace Communion Seminary (Spring 2020) |
TH504 Trinitarian Perspectives on Faith and Science |
2020-KT-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Tyler, Kate | Kate Tyler, "Thomas F. Torrance and Ecclesiology," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 223-241 |
Thomas F. Torrance and Ecclesiology |
2020-MR-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Rae, Murray | Murray Rae, "Reading the Decalogue in the Community of Faith," Participatio 8 (2020): 31-45; #2020-MR-1 |
Reading the Decalogue in the Community of Faith |
2020-GWD-2 | Journal article | 2020 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "T. F. Torrance on the Realist Reconfiguring of Theological and Biblical Studies to be Co-Servants of the Word of God," Participatio 8 (2020): 1-30; #2020-GWD-2 |
T. F. Torrance on the Realist Reconfiguring of Theological and Biblical Studies |
2020-EMH-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Heim, Erin M. | Erin M. Heim, "Pauline Adoption and T. F. Torrance’s Doctrine of the Incarnation," Participatio 8 (2020): 91-111; #2020-EMH-1 |
Pauline Adoption and T. F. Torrance’s Doctrine of the Incarnation |
2020-JL-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Lett, Jonathan | Jonathan Lett, "T. F. Torrance’s Unapologetic Theological Exegesis and Jesus’ Baptism of Repentance," Participatio 8 (2020): 65-90; #2020-JL-1 |
T. F. Torrance’s Unapologetic Theological Exegesis and Jesus’ Baptism of Repentance |
2020-CDK-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, "'Jesus Christ is Our Human Response to God': Divine and Human Agency in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 207-221 |
Jesus Christ is Our Human Response to God |
2020-EJVK-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "'Not I, but Christ': Thomas F. Torrance on the Christian Life," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 243-257 |
Not I, but Christ |
2020-IJD-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Davidson, Ivor J. | Ivor J. Davidson, "Why Read Torrance Today?," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 11-35 |
Why Read Torrance Today? |
2020-DASF-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "Thomas F. Torrance as a Scottish Theologian," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 37-50 |
Thomas F. Torrance as a Scottish Theologian |
2020-JS2-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Scandrett, Joel | Joel Scandrett, "Thomas F. Torrance and Ecumenism," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 51-66 |
Thomas F. Torrance and Ecumenism |
2020-PDM-2 | Book chapter | 2020 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, "Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Barth," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 67-84 |
Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Barth |
2020-THS-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influence upon Ray Anderson's Paradigm of a Practical Theology of Ministry," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 85-100 |
Thomas F. Torrance's Influence upon Ray Anderson's Paradigm of a Practical Theology of Ministry |
2020-JRR-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Radcliff, Jason R. | Jason R. Radcliff, "Thomas F. Torrance: Historian of Dogma," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 101-110 |
Thomas F. Torrance: Historian of Dogma |
2020-TMS-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Stevick, Travis M. | Travis M. Stevick, "Theological Science Then and Now," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 111-124 |
Theological Science Then and Now |
2020-GWD-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "The Importance of the Personal in the Onto-relational Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 143-160 |
The Importance of the Personal in the Onto-relational Theology of Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-CRJH-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Holmes, Christopher R. J. | Christopher R. J. Holmes, "Thomas F. Torrance and the Trinity," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 161-172 |
Thomas F. Torrance and the Trinity |
2020-AP-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Purves, Andrew | Andrew Purves, "The End of Ministry: Thomas F. Torrance and Eschatology," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 277-290 |
The End of Ministry |
2020-MH-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "'Theologia Is Eusebia': Thomas F. Torrance's Church Homiletics," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 259-276 |
Theologia Is Eusebia |
2020-TAN-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, "Incarnation and Atonement," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 173-188 |
Incarnation and Atonement |
2020-SSM-1 | Journal article | 2020 | MacLean, Stanley S. | Stanley S. MacLean, "'Salvation is of the Jews': Thomas F. Torrance's Doctrine of Israel," The Pacific Journal of Theological Research 15, no. 1 (2020): 1-13 |
'Salvation is of the Jews' |
2020-DASF-3 | Book chapter | 2020 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "Barth and T. F. Torrance," in George Hunsinger and Keith L. Johnson, editors, Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020), vol. 2, #-# |
Barth and T. F. Torrance |
2020-CGS-1 | Journal article | 2020 | Seed, Carolyn G. | Carolyn Grace Seed, "Reception of the Gospel of John among the Isawa of Northern Nigeria and the Qiang of Western China, 1913–35," International Bulletin of Mission Research 44, no. 3 (2020): 257-266 |
Reception of the Gospel of John |
2020-DASF-2 | Book chapter | 2020 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "He Ascended Into Heaven: The Ascension and Agency of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," in What is Jesus Doing?: God's Activity in the Life and Work of the Church (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2020), 27-46 |
He Ascended Into Heaven |
2020-DJP-1 | Book | 2020 | Payne, Don J. | Don J. Payne, Already Sanctified: A Theology of the Christian Life in Light of God's Completed Work (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2020) |
Already Sanctified |
2020-AJDI-1 | Book | 2020 | Irving, Alexander J. D. | Alexander J. D. Irving, God, Freedom, and the Body of Christ: Toward a Theology of the Church (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2020) |
God, Freedom, and the Body of Christ |
2020-PDM-MH-2 | Book | 2020 | Molnar, Paul D., Habets, Myk | Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020) [Ebook] |
T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-PDM-MH-2 | Book | 2020 | Molnar, Paul D., Habets, Myk | Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020) [Ebook] |
T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance |
2020-GH-1 | Book chapter | 2020 | Hunsinger, George | George Hunsinger, "Foreword," in T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance, ed. Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), xiii-xvi |
Foreword |