John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement, ed. James B. Torrance (Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996), 1-16; #1996-JMC-1
John McLeod Campbell: The Nature of the Atonement. Edited by James B. Torrance. Edinburgh: Handsel Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996; #1996-JMC-1
"This present book is ... more of a reprint than a new edition, apart from the new introduction by ... James Torrance and the indices. The only change I have made to the text, apart from minor grammatical updating, is to break up some of the dense paragraphs to make them more readable. The footnotes in chapters 3 and 4 are from research by Michael Jinkins of Austin Presbyterian Seminary in Texas, and David Wright." Jock Stein, p. x.