Thomas F. Torrance, "God, Destiny, and Suffering," in Gospel, Church, and Ministry, ed. Jock Stein (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012), 173-181; #2012-TFT-1h
Torrance, Thomas F. "God, Destiny, and Suffering." In Gospel, Church, and Ministry, 173-181. Edited by Jock Stein. Thomas F. Torrance Collected Studies, 1. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012; #2012-TFT-1h
Originally printed in The Healing Hand (#1977-343), Summer/Autumn issue. Address of the Rt Rev. T. F. Torrance, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, given at the A.G.M. of the E.M.M.S., 1977.
Reprinted in Theological Renewal (#1979-360). IT: "Reprinted with permission of The Anglo-Israel Friendship League and The Israel Ecumenical Working Group, February, 1978." Note at end of article: "Originally delivered as a lecture to the Anglo-Israel Friendship League and the Israel Ecumenical Working Group in February 1978. Reprinted with permission of The Council of Christians and Jews."
Reprinted in Gospel, Church, and Ministry (#2012-TFT-1h). Note there: "Address by TF to the annual meeting of the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society [E.M.M.S.]] in 1977, during his year as Moderator of the General Assembly."
Included in the Logos Select Works of Thomas F. Torrance collection, cf. #2012-TFT-1-Logos.