Selecting Candidates for the Project
If you know a potential participant (narrator) who studied with, or was deeply affected by, TFT, JBT, or DWT, let us know if you are willing to interview them and we will discuss logistics and protocols. We are particularly interested in recording the experiences of persons who represent multi-disciplinary, global, ecumenical, and/or social contexts that might otherwise escape prominent notice in the existing published literature. There are far more deserving candidates than we have the resources to interview, so decisions to proceed will be made by the general editors of this project. In some cases, an informal Zoom or youTube video, perhaps in the Reading Group, may offer a more expedient option.
Training in Oral History
Review training materials on the nature, ethics, legal aspects, practical techniques and technology of the oral history interview. Consider obtaining training equivalent to the basic certificate awarded by the Baylor University Institute for Oral History. The general editors of this project will provide training suitable for this project if you have not obtained it elsewhere. That training goes beyond what can be provided in this Manual.
Study the Narrator
The Interviewer will want to read, or re-read, any publications by or about the narrator, and watch or listen to any recordings of the narrator, to the extent that is practical.
Logistical Preparation
- Marantz PMD-561 recorder ($320, Amazon); or Logic Pro software (a project template will be provided, but not Logic Pro; if you choose this option, you should already be generally familiar with Logic Pro)
- Blue Yeti Pro microphone ($260, Amazon)
- Auxiliary: cables, memory cards, headphones, transport case.
Experience suggests that one should allow several hours for training in logistics and protocols, and an additional day for practice recording and preparation of requisite forms (see next page). These must be completed at least a month before conducting the actual interview. Once paperwork is complete, in most cases, we will arrange to ship a microphone and recorder to you for use at a pre-arranged time (that is, after donors have contributed the equipment!).
Volunteers experienced in audio recording are welcome to use other software and recording devices, assuming equal audio quality and no support needed.
Download zip files containing forms and worksheets:
- Phase 1 forms and worksheets (Workflow checklist, deed of gift, data forms, etc.)
- Phase 3, Assembling the Oral History Page (Term Lists Worksheet, Oral History Page Checklist)