Thomas F. Torrance, "A Study in New Testament Communication," Scottish Journal of Theology 3 (1950): 298-313; #1950-036
Torrance, Thomas F. "A Study in New Testament Communication." Scottish Journal of Theology 3, no. 3 (1950): 298-313; #1950-036
Reprinted in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, vol. 2 (#1960-155c).
It is often claimed that the problem of communicating the Gospel is the major practical problem facing the Church to-day, as it may also be the major theological problem. This concern is a very healthy sign, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are apt to be so concerned with devising new methods of evangelism as to forget the one factor of supreme importance: the burden of the Gospel itself, that is, to forget that the Gospel is not simply the message of divine love, but the actual way in which God communicates Himself to us in history. No technique that forgets that the Gospel has already been made supremely relevant to sinful humanity in the Incarnation and death of Jesus Christ will ever avail for the communication of the Gospel. This is therefore an attempt to probe into what the New Testament has to say to us about this, and into the way in which, as a matter of fact, the New Testament actually communicates the Gospel to us.