Thomas F. Torrance, Theological Instinct (Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 2002;; #2002-TFT-4
Torrance, Thomas F. Theological Instinct. An audio recording of a lecture recorded in October, 2002. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Regent College, 2002;; #2002-TFT-4
RGDL1302S. A lecture recorded in October, 2002. 29 minutes, 38 seconds. Purchase online from Regent Audio, Product ID RGDL1302S.
A much truncated version of this lecture was delivered as a sermon at Princeton: Thomas F. Torrance, "Christian Theological Instinct" (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, 1983);, #1983-TFT-3.
Compare both audio lectures with “The Reconciliation of Mind: A Theological Meditation upon the Teaching of St. Paul,” in Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, ed. Robert T. Walker (Milton Keynes: Paternoster; Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009), 437-447; #2009-TFT-1n.