Operating within the Context of Dualism: Epistemological and Cosmological, 4


Thomas F. Torrance, "Operating within the Context of Dualism: Epistemological and Cosmological," Contemporary Theology, no. 4, July 14, 1977 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, http://commons.ptsem.edu/id/05202); #1977-TFT-5d


Thomas F. Torrance, "Operating within the Context of Dualism: Epistemological and Cosmological," Contemporary Theology, no. 4, July 14, 1977 (Institute of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive, http://commons.ptsem.edu/id/05202); #1977-TFT-5d

Publication life cycle / General notes

Institute of Theology. Princeton Theological Seminary.

Series Number