How might the T. F. T. Theological Fellowship website assist you in your research?
Above: The top area of the website, including the tabs that comprise the main navigation bar.
Most of the resources offered by the website are available to the public. These include the full content of every issue of Participatio, the Sources and Studies bibliographies, the notices of conferences and special events, forthcoming dissertations, sample syllabi, and more. Only the profile directories (profiling members and others who are significant to the Torrance tradition) require a membership log-in to view. For links and short descriptions of these various resources, click through the tabs for Start Here, Journal: Participatio, Bibliographies, and Other Resources on the navigation menu.
Browse the main navigation tabs. Try the Tutorial for a hands-on tour. The tutorial simulates a number of practical workflow scenarios. As you work through the tutorial, you will practice various methods for taking advantage of the variety of resources the website offers. There is a sitemap if you are already oriented to the website and want a quick overview to refresh your memory.
Tip: The tutorial works best if you have logged-in to the site already; but it is not necessary to have already created a member profile.