Sources | Studies | Member Publications | Book Reviews | Recent | Combined | Bib FAQ | McGrath# FAQ |
Related pages:
- Sources Bibliography Quick Start
- For the website implementation of the bibliographies, see the Tutorial pages for Sources and Studies. The Bib FAQ and McGrath# FAQ answer questions about the bibliographies themselves.
- About the Bibliographies
- Call for Materials
- Bibliographies Wanted List
- Development of the Sources Bibliography
- The Sources Bibliography as a Research Tool
- Download Sources bibliography for use in offline bibliographic software.
The T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship sponsors two bibliographies, one of Torrance Sources and the other of Torrance Studies. They are research tools to promote scholarship related to the Torrance tradition. Citations from these bibliographies may be copied into word processing documents or imported into bibliographic management software without requiring laborious data entry, proofing, or manual formatting. Bibliography searches may reveal additional relevant information, including the original setting or relations between publications, or the existence of reprints or translations. (See The Sources Bibliography as a Research Tool).
The bibliographies are a collaborative tool embedded within an all-new academic website, which launched in October 2018. We intend to maintain these online bibliographies with future updates including reprints, new editions and translations, and an ever-increasing body of secondary literature. Both bibliographies are open-ended by their very nature. They are collaborative projects which represent the ongoing input of Fellowship members. The new website integrates both bibliographies, cross-referenced with a new Member Directory and the Reader's Guide.
I. Sources bibliography (beta*):
Scope: This Sources bibliography includes all known publications of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, and David W. Torrance (more than 1,500 references at present, with the ongoing goal of direct independent verification of each reference).
- Online (current)
- Download Bookends version (20 May 2018)
- Download EndNote XML file (20 May 2018)
- Explanation
II. Studies bibliography:
Scope: This Studies bibliography will include secondary sources which engage the theology and ideas of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance.
- Online
- Not available in a downloadable format.
Member Publications and Recent Publications are drawn from both Sources and Studies bibliographies.
We particularly thank Alister McGrath for permission to base the Sources bibliography on the most comprehensive and authoritative bibliography to date, published in T. F. Torrance: An Intellectual Biography (1999). In the Sources bibliography, 633 "McGrath numbers" are indicated for each item as assigned in McGrath's biography. New "McGrath numbers" are created for items not included there.
Also of inestimable help is the careful and thorough bibliography published by Iain R. Torrance, "A Bibliography of the Writings of Thomas F. Torrance, 1941-1989," Scottish Journal of Theology 43 (1990): 225-262. We especially thank James Chaousis for compiling "The Works of James B. Torrance," a bibliography posted here on the website of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship. James continues to serve as the main bibliographer for the works and papers of J.B.T. We thank the compilers of numerous other bibliographies, citations to which we have included in the Sources bibliography, marked with a "Bibliography" tag. We have checked their bibliographies against the Sources bibliography to ensure a greater degree of accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Most especially, we thank you, the members of the Torrance Theological Fellowship, for your feedback and input to maintain these bibliographies as research tools to catalyze scholarship and promote the mission of the Fellowship. Submit a Publications Form to alert other members to your relevant publications. Once approved, items will be listed in the Studies bibliography, the Members Publications list, and the Relevant Publications section of your Member Profile. Please alert us to relevant new academic publications in any format using the same Publications Form. Note that links to reviews are appended to bibliography records, so please contact the Webmaster to any published review or substantial online discussion of any item in the Sources or Studies bibliography. Send corrections, additions, and comments to the bibliography editors using the Webmaster contact form. We have made and are continuing to make every effort to check and verify each citation against a physical and/or digital copy of the work. Let us know if you can verify any item on our Wanted List.
No attribution to the bibliographies is typically needed. But if for some reason you wish to cite either bibliography, here's a way to do it: Sources | Studies.
Bibliography/Website editorial team: Kerry Magruder, Brent Purkaple, and Gary Deddo. Send new materials, corrections, and comments to the bibliography/website editors at the Webmaster contact form. Also let us know if you can provide or verify any item on our Wanted List.