Christopher Woznicki, "The One and the Many: The Metaphysics of Human Nature in TF Torrance’s Doctrine of Atonement," Journal of Reformed Theology 12, no. 2 (2018): 103-126
Woznicki, Christopher. "The One and the Many: The Metaphysics of Human Nature in TF Torrance’s Doctrine of Atonement." Journal of Reformed Theology 12, no. 2 (2018): 103-126
What metaphysical account of human nature best makes sense of T.F. Torrance’s doctrine of atonement? Here I argue that the account that best makes sense of Torrance’s doctrine of atonement is one in which Christ instantiates an abstract universal human nature and the rest of humanity participates in an abstract universal human nature. In defending this thesis, I examine Torrance’s doctrine of atonement and his use of the anhypostasia–enhypostasia distinction. I conclude by defending the significance of the an-enhypostasia distinction for abstract universal theories of Christ’s human nature.