Open Access: Sources

Open Access - Sources

Total Records for TFT, JBT & DWT with resources available online: 115
McGrath # Available Online Open Access Attached for Direct Download Date Publication View complete record
U-JBT-4 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Law and Gospel in the Calvinist Tradition" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-4

Law and Gospel in the Calvinist Tradition
U-JBT-1 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Commission on the Trinity:  Why this Commission?" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-1

Commission on the Trinity: Why this Commission?
U-JBT-20 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Nature/Grace Model of Federal Theology," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-20

Nature/Grace Model of Federal Theology
U-JBT-2 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Reconciliation, Sectarianism and Civil Religion in South Africa and Northern Ireland" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-2

Reconciliation, Sectarianism and Civil Religion in South Africa and Northern Ireland
U-JBT-19 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Unconditional Imperatives (Love); Descriptive IFs; Prescriptive IFs," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-19

Unconditional Imperatives (Love); Descriptive IFs; Prescriptive IFs
U-JBT-18 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "The Doctrine of the Person of Christ:  4 answers to the Who? question," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-18

The Doctrine of the Person of Christ: 4 answers to the Who? question
U-JBT-17 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Who? or How?  Two different approaches; Two types of theology," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-17

Who? or How? Two different approaches; Two types of theology
U-JBT-16 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Truth of Being, Truth of Statement," unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-16

Truth of Being, Truth of Statement
U-JBT-15 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Three Theological Models" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-15

Three Theological Models
U-JBT-14 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Reconciliation:  Wonderful Exchange" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-14

Reconciliation: Wonderful Exchange
U-JBT-13 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "The Lord's Supper" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-13

The Lord's Supper
U-JBT-12 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Baptism:  Sign of Belonging" unpublished course handout (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-12

Baptism: Sign of Belonging
U-JBT-11 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Union with God, through Union with Christ:  Notes on Christian Spirituality" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-11

Union with God, through Union with Christ
U-JBT-10 Open Access or no cost PDF

James B. Torrance, "Two Views of Worship In Scotland Today" unpublished course notes (Pasadena, California: Fuller Seminary, no date); #U-JBT-10

Two Views of Worship In Scotland Today
U-DWT-1 Open Access or no cost PDF

David W. Torrance, "A Christmas Message: The Meaning and Significance of Christmas" (Unpublished typescript, no date); #U-DWT-1

A Christmas Message