Alasdair I. C. Heron, ed., The Westminster Confession in the Church Today: Papers prepared for the Church of Scotland Panel on Doctrine (Edinburgh: The Saint Andrews Press, 1982), 40-54; #1982-JBT-2
Heron, Alasdair I. C., editor. The Westminster Confession in the Church Today: Papers Prepared for the Church of Scotland Panel on Doctrine. Edinburgh: The Saint Andrews Press, 1982
- Foreword, Ian G. Scott (vii).
- Introduction, Alasdair I. C. Heron (1).
- How the Confession Came to be Written, James S. McEwen (6).
- The Place of the Confession through Three Centuries, Alexander C. Cheyne (17).
- The Teaching of the Confession, Sinclair B. Ferguson (28).
- Strengths and Weaknesses of the Westminster Theology, James B. Torrance (40); #1982-JBT-2.
- The Westminster Confession: The Legal Position, Francis Lyall (55).
- The Recent Debate in the Church of Scotland, Roderick Pettigrew (72).
- The Westminster Confession in Other Countries:
- England, John M. Ross (84)
- Ireland, John Thompson (90)
- U.S.A., John H. Leith (95)
- Australia, George S. S. Yule (101)
- New Zealand, Ian Breward (104)
- Personal Views of the Confession in the Church of Scotland:
- George M. Dale (107)
- Douglas M. Murray (115)
- James Philip (124)
- John K. S. Reid (132)
- Appendix:
- U.P. Declaratory Act (1879) (141)
- Free Church Declaratory Act (1892) (143)
- Church of Scotland Act (1921) (144)
- Articles Declaratory (1926) (145)
- Preamble, Questions and Formula for the Ordination and Induction of Ministers (148)
- Select Bibliography
- List of Contributors
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