The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance


Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024); #2024-P-2


Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024); #2024-P-2

Publication life cycle / General notes
Participatio Volume 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024); #2024-P-2.
Todd Speidell, Editor (Contact)
Volume editors: Daniel J. Cameron, Myk Habets

Table of Contents

• The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance •
Part I. Articles

Daniel J. Cameron, Myk Habets, "Introduction," 3-8; #2024-DJC-MH-1.

Hakbong Kim, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and the Sacramental Action of the Church: The Promise of Social Ethics in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," 9-27; #2024-HK2-1.

Stavan Narendra John, "Thomas F. Torrance’s Theology of the Ascension: A Practical Theological Dogmatic Sketch," 29-46; #2024-SJ-1.

Chancellor Stillwell, "Preaching a Faith Not Our Own: Torrance and the Vicarious Faith of Christ," 47-70; #2024-CS-1.

Paul Louis Metzger, "The Existential Significance of T. F. Torrance’s Christocentric Theology for Pastoral and Palliative Care," 71-92; #2024-PLM-1.

Jenny Richards, "Holistic Justice: Using the Work of T. F. Torrance and J. B. Torrance to Reframe Responses for Christian Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence," 93-121; #2024-JR-1.

Emmanuel Gergis, "The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance and the Coptic Church: A Bridge to Ecumenism," 123-174; #2024-EG-1.

Myk Habets, "The Vagaries of Theology: Thomas F. Torrance and Practical Theology," 175-213; #2024-MH-1.

Part II. Essay Reviews

Victor A. Shepherd, Review of Paul D. Molnar, The Centrality of Christ in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance: Some Dogmatic Implications (London: T&T Clark, 2024), 217-244; #2024-VAS-1.

Philip G. Ziegler, Review of Paul D. Molnar and Myk Habets, eds., T&T Clark Handbook of Thomas F. Torrance (London, New York: T&T Clark, 2020), 245-#; #2024-PGZ-1. (forthcoming)

Date online: March 8, 2025.
Date completed: This issue is still open.

Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship is an annual, peer-reviewed, online journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship (, a research fellowship within the Christian Church and tradition based on the theology of Thomas F. Torrance. The journal's mission is two-fold: to apprehend the significance of Torrance's work and to advance his evangelical and scientific theology for the benefit of the Church, academy, and society.

Participatio is distributed by the T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



The work of Thomas F. Torrance is often characterised as dense, profound, daunting, and impenetrable. More so than its style, the content is often said to be intensely academic and concerned with what many describe as an esoteric form of theology. Those who have been readers of Torrance’s work for a while have the privilege of indwelling his work, both the content and the desired goal of his theology, and we see things very differently. Torrance's dogmatic theology is neither impractical nor devoid of ethics. Quite to the contrary, across Torrance's vast literary outpoint, one can find specific discussions on a wide range of practical, ethical, and pastoral issues, and in many more places, one finds a theological foundation upon which such practical issues can be built.  This volume of Participatio offers perspectives into a range of practical and pastoral issues that benefit from the close reading of Torrance’s theological offerings.

Series Editors (click to see more)
The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance