Emmanuel Gergis, "The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance and the Coptic Church: A Bridge to Ecumenism," Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 123-174
Gergis, Emmanuel. "The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance and the Coptic Church: A Bridge to Ecumenism." Participatio 12: "The Practical Theology of Thomas F. Torrance" (2024): 123-174
This chapter explores the connections between the theology of Thomas F. Torrance and the tradition of the Coptic Church, particularly focusing on how these traditions contribute to ecumenical dialogue. Torrance's Christocentric approach and his recognition of the limitations of human language in expressing divine truths allows him to insightfully engage with Alexandrian theological thought, despite his lack of direct exposure to the modes of thinking indigenous to ancient Egypt. In contrast with the prevailing dualist perspectives in Western theology, his theological reflections embrace a non-dualist, unitary perspective parallelling those of early Alexandrian Church Fathers, including Clement, Origen, Athanasius, and Cyril of Alexandria. Considering his theological framework, Torrance’s insights align with contemporary Coptic theologians such as Fr. Matthew the Poor and Bishop Gregorios, stressing the importance of a unified reality in Christ. Torrance's theological synthesis invites a deeper, more inclusive ecumenical dialogue between Christian traditions, especially fostering an ecumenical bridge between Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Churches, underscoring the significance of the miaphysite understanding of Christology, in which Christ's divine and human natures are united in one reality without confusion, separation, or change.