Thomas F. Torrance, "The Place of Christology in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology," in Theology in Reconstruction (London: SCM Press, 1965), 128-149; #1965-223i
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Place of Christology in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology." In Theology in Reconstruction, 128-149. London: SCM Press, 1965; #1965-223i
Publication life cycle / General notes
II. Through Jesus Christ. Chapter 8.
Previously published by Lutterworth Press (#1956-104), in Essays in Christology for Karl Barth, ed. T.H.L. Parker: "In writing this article in honour of Karl Barth I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness throughout it to the second half-volume of his prolegomena to the Kirchliche Dogmatik, which I have been helping to see through the press in an English edition at the time of writing."
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