James B. Torrance, "The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics," in The Covenant Connection: From Federal Theology to Modern Federalism, ed. Daniel J. Elazar and John Kincaid (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2000); #2000-JBT-1
Torrance, James B. "The Covenant Concept in Scottish Theology and Politics." In The Covenant Connection: From Federal Theology to Modern Federalism. Edited by Daniel J. Elazar and John Kincaid. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2000; #2000-JBT-1
Revision status
Needs pp.
- From Biblical covenant to modern federalism : the federal theology bridge / Daniel J. Elazar
- Covenant and community in the thought of Heinrich Bullinger / J. Wayne Baker
- Covenant and federalism in the politics of Althusius / Thomas O. Hueglin
- History, humanity, and federalism in the theology and ethics of Johannes Cocceius / Charles S. McCoy
- From covenant of grace to tolerant public pluralism : the Dutch Calvinist contribution / James W. Skillen
- Covenant theology and the development of religious liberty / Charles James Butler
- John Knox : the first of the monarchomachs? / W. Stanford Reid
- The covenant concept in Scottish theology and politics / James B. Torrance
- Covenant, crown, and commons in Elizabethan Puritanism / Michael McGiffert
- Covenant motifs in seventeenth-century literature / Harold Fisch
- Covenant, body politic, and the great migration / John Peacock
- Liberty and equality from a communitarian perspective / Donald S. Lutz
- Federalism and covenant / Daniel J. Elazar
- Covenant language in Canada : continuity and change in political discourse / Filippo Sabetti
- The covenant traditions of Dutch Americans / James D. Bratt.
- Bibliography, Index.
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