Studies Bibliography
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Total Records: 617
This Studies bibliography includes secondary sources which engage the theology and ideas of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance. It includes book reviews and items of any format, including audio and video. Notices of forthcoming works and newly published works are welcomed. This bibliography represents the collective effort of members and officers of the Fellowship. To submit a publication, please use the Publications Form.
McGrath # | Reference Type | Date | More by this Author | Publication | View complete record |
2013-JK-1 | Journal article | 2013 | King, Jack | Jack King, "When Blind Men Face the Light: John 9.1-38," Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 160-165 |
When Blind Men Face the Light |
2013-DJW-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Webster, David J. | David J. Webster, "'Guard Yourselves from Idols': 1 John 5:13-15, 18-21," Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 166-171 |
Guard Yourselves from Idols |
2013-THS-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "'A Radio Interview with Todd Speidell, Participatio Editor, on a Christian radio station local to his home in Knoxville, TN, USA," Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 172-180 |
A Radio Interview with Todd Speidell |
2013-P-1a | Journal article | 2013 | Speidell, Todd H., Habets, Myk, Walker, Robert T. | Todd H. Speidell, Myk Habets, Robert T. Walker, "Preface," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 1-2 |
Preface |
2013-P-1a | Journal article | 2013 | Speidell, Todd H., Habets, Myk, Walker, Robert T. | Todd H. Speidell, Myk Habets, Robert T. Walker, "Preface," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 1-2 |
Preface |
2013-P-1a | Journal article | 2013 | Speidell, Todd H., Habets, Myk, Walker, Robert T. | Todd H. Speidell, Myk Habets, Robert T. Walker, "Preface," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 1-2 |
Preface |
2013-MB-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Baker, Matthew | Matthew Baker, "T. F. Torrance and Orthodoxy," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 3-7 |
T. F. Torrance and Orthodoxy |
2013-TAN-3 | Journal article | 2013 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, "T. F. Torrance on the Centenary of his Birth: A Biographical and Theological Synopsis with Personal Reminiscences," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 8-29 |
T. F. Torrance on the Centenary of his Birth |
2013-MB-2 | Journal article | 2013 | Baker, Matthew, Dragas, George Dion | Matthew Baker, "Interview with Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas regarding T. F. Torrance," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 30-46 |
Interview with Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas regarding T. F. Torrance |
2013-MB-2 | Journal article | 2013 | Baker, Matthew, Dragas, George Dion | Matthew Baker, "Interview with Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas regarding T. F. Torrance," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 30-46 |
Interview with Protopresbyter George Dion. Dragas regarding T. F. Torrance |
2013-BP-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Pelphrey, Brendan | Brendan Pelphrey, "God and Rationality: A Reminiscence," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 47-58 |
God and Rationality: A Reminiscence |
2013-VC-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Cvetkovic, Vladimir | Vladimir Cvetkovic, "T. F. Torrance as an Interpreter of St. Athanasius," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 59-93 |
T. F. Torrance as an Interpreter of St. Athanasius |
2013-MM-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Mourachian, Mark | Mark Mourachian, "Theological Realism in St. Ephrem the Syrian and T. F. Torrance," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 94-122 |
Theological Realism in St. Ephrem the Syrian and T. F. Torrance |
2013-DF-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Fairbairn, Donald | Donald Fairbairn, "Justification in St. Cyril of Alexandria, with some Implications for Ecumenical Dialogue," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 123-146 |
Justification in St. Cyril of Alexandria |
2013-AT-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Torrance, Alexis | Alexis Torrance, "The Theology of Baptism in T. F. Torrance and its Ascetic Correlate in St. Mark the Monk," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 147-161 |
The Theology of Baptism in T. F. Torrance and its Ascetic Correlate in St. Mark the Monk |
2013-NA-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Asproulis, Nikolaos | Nikolaos Asproulis, "T. F. Torrance and John Zizioulas on the Divine Monarchia: The Cappadocian Background and the Neo-Cappadocian Solution," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 162-189 |
T. F. Torrance and John Zizioulas on the Divine Monarchia |
2013-ST-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Tanev, Stoyan | Stoyan Tanev, "The Concept of Energy in T. F. Torrance and in Orthodox Theology," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 190-212 |
The Concept of Energy in T. F. Torrance and in Orthodox Theology |
2013-AVN-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Nesteruk, Alexei V. | Alexei V. Nesteruk, "Universe, Incarnation, and Humanity: Thomas Torrance, Modern Cosmology, and Beyond," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 213-239 |
Universe, Incarnation, and Humanity |
2013-TC-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Carr, Taylor | Taylor Carr, "The Rationality of the Cosmos: A Study of T. F. Torrance and Dumitru Staniloae," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 240-257 |
The Rationality of the Cosmos |
2013-NL-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Loudovikos, Nicholas | Nicholas Loudovikos, "Possession or Wholeness? St. Maximus the Confessor and John Zizioulas on Person, Nature, and Will," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 258-286 |
Possession or Wholeness? St. Maximus the Confessor and John Zizioulas on Person, Nature, and Will |
2013-MB-3 | Journal article | 2013 | Baker, Matthew | Matthew Baker, "The Correspondence between T. F. Torrance and Georges Florovsky (1950-1973)," Participatio 4, "T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013): 287-323 |
The Correspondence between T. F. Torrance and Georges Florovsky (1950-1973) |
2013-TAN-2 | Audiovisual material | 2013 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, "T. F. Torrance on the Centenary of His Birth: A Personal Reminiscence and Assessment," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2013. |
T. F. Torrance on the Centenary of His Birth |
DF-2013-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Farrow, Douglas | Douglas Farrow, "T. F. Torrance and the Latin Heresy," First Things, December (2013): 25-31 |
T. F. Torrance and the Latin Heresy |
2013-NDH-1 | Book | 2013 | Hieb, Nathan D. | Nathan D. Hieb, Christ Crucified in a Suffering World: The Unity of Atonement and Liberation, Emerging Scholars (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2013) |
Christ Crucified in a Suffering World |
2013-KC-1 | Book | 2013 | Chiarot, Kevin | Kevin Chiarot, The Unassumed is the Unhealed: The Humanity of Christ in the Christology of T. F. Torrance (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2013) |
The Unassumed is the Unhealed |
2013-RJS-1 | Book | 2013 | Stamps, Robert J. | Robert J. Stamps, The Sacrament of the Word Made Flesh: The Eucharistic Theology of Thomas F. Torrance, Rutherford Studies in Contemporary Theology (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2013) |
The Sacrament of the Word Made Flesh |
2013-TAN-1 | Book | 2013 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, Holy Trinity: Holy People; The Theology of Christian Perfecting, Didsbury Lectures (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2013) |
Holy Trinity: Holy People |
2013-MH-1 | Book | 2013 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, Theology in Transposition: A Constructive Appraisal of T. F. Torrance (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2013) |
Theology in Transposition |
2012-CMK-DAJ-1 | Book | 2012 | MacKellar, Calum, Jones, David Albert | Calum MacKellar and David Albert Jones, eds., Chimera's Children: Ethical, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives on Human-Nonhuman Experimentation (Bloomsbury Continuum, 2012) |
Chimera's Children |
2012-CMK-DAJ-1 | Book | 2012 | MacKellar, Calum, Jones, David Albert | Calum MacKellar and David Albert Jones, eds., Chimera's Children: Ethical, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives on Human-Nonhuman Experimentation (Bloomsbury Continuum, 2012) |
Chimera's Children |
2012-MMD-1 | Dissertation | 2012 | Davis, Martin M. | Martin M. Davis, "An explanatory account and examination of the doctrine of the mediation of Jesus Christ in the scientific theology of T. F. Torrance," (PhD dissertation, North-West University, 2012); #2012-MMD-1 |
An explanatory account and examination of the doctrine of the mediation of Jesus Christ in the scientific theology of T. F. Torrance |
2012-CBK-2 | Book | 2012 | Kruger, C. Baxter | C. Baxter Kruger, The Shack Revisited: There is More Going on Here Than You Ever Dared to Dream (New York: Faith Words, 2012) |
The Shack Revisited: |
2012-P-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012) |
Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012) | |
2012-RTW-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Walker, Robert T. | Robert T. Walker, "Incarnation and Atonement: Their Relation and Inter-Relation in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 1-63 |
Incarnation and Atonement |
2012-CBK2-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Kruger, C. Baxter | C. Baxter Kruger, "On the Road to Becoming Flesh: Israel as the Womb of the Incarnation in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 64-91 |
On the Road to Becoming Flesh |
2012-DASF-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "The Ascension of Christ: Its Significance in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 92-107. |
The Ascension of Christ |
2012-VAS-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Shepherd, Victor A. | Victor A. Shepherd, "Thomas F. Torrance and the Homoousion of the Holy Spirit," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 108-124 |
Thomas F. Torrance and the Homoousion of the Holy Spirit |
2012-PDM-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, "Article Review of Thomas F. Torrance's Incarnation and Atonement," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 125-141 |
Article Review of Thomas F. Torrance's Incarnation and Atonement |
2012-DJP-1 | Journal article | 2012 | Payne, Don J. | Don J. Payne, "Review of Christian D. Kettler, The God Who Believes: Faith, Doubt, and the Vicarious Humanity of Christ, and The God Who Rejoices: Joy, Despair, and the Vicarious Humanity of Christ," Participatio 3, "The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement" (2012): 142-153 |
Review of Christian D. Kettler, The God Who Believes, and The God Who Rejoices |
2012-GDD-1 | Audiovisual material | 2012 | Dragas, George Dion | George Dion Dragas, "T. F. Torrance: A Theologian for Our Times; An Eastern Orthodox Perspective," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2012. |
T. F. Torrance: A Theologian for Our Times |
2012-SSM-1 | Book | 2012 | MacLean, Stanley S. | Stanley S. MacLean, Resurrection, Apocalypse, and the Kingdom of Christ: The Eschatology of Thomas F. Torrance, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012) |
Resurrection, Apocalypse, and the Kingdom of Christ |
2012-EC1 | Book | 2012 | Myk Habets and Bobby Grow, eds., Evangelical Calvinism, vol. 1: Essays Resourcing the Continuing Reformation of the Church (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2012) |
Evangelical Calvinism, vol. 1 | |
2011-HAS-JS2-1 | Book | 2011 | Scandrett, Joel, Snyder, Howard A. | Howard A. Snyder and Joel Scandrett, Salvation Means Creation Healed: The Ecology of Sin and Grace (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2011) |
Salvation Means Creation Healed |
2011-HAS-JS2-1 | Book | 2011 | Scandrett, Joel, Snyder, Howard A. | Howard A. Snyder and Joel Scandrett, Salvation Means Creation Healed: The Ecology of Sin and Grace (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2011) |
Salvation Means Creation Healed |
2011-DM-1 | Book | 2011 | Munchin, David | David Munchin, Is Theology a Science? The nature of the scientific enterprise in the scientific theology of Thomas Forsyth Torrance and the anarchic epistemology of Paul Feyerabend, Studies in Systematic Theology, no. 7 (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2011) |
Is Theology a Science? |
2011-TIS-1 | Journal issue | 2011 | Ian Maxwell, ed., Theology in Scotland XVI - Special Issue, In Memoriam The Very Rev. Professor Thomas F. Torrance (2011): 1-155; #2011-TIS-1 |
Theology in Scotland XVI - Special Issue | |
2011-MH-PT-1 | Book | 2011 | Myk Habets and Phillip Tolliday, eds., Trinitarian Theology After Barth, foreword by John B. Webster, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011) |
Trinitarian Theology After Barth | |
2011-P-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011) |
Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011) | |
2011-CDK-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, "Ray S. Anderson (1925–2009)," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 1-13. Download PDF |
Ray S. Anderson (1925–2009) |
2011-AN-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Nigh, Adam | Adam Nigh, "Review of Christian D. Kettler, Reading Ray S. Anderson," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 14-18. Download PDF |
Review of Christian D. Kettler, Reading Ray S. Anderson |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-RSA-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Hunsinger, Deborah van Deusen, Branson, Mark Lau, Purves, Andrew, Bjorck, Jeff, Johnson, Eric L. | Todd H. Speidell, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, Mark Lau Branson, Andrew Purves, Jeff Bjorck, and Eric L. Johnson, "The Ray S. Anderson Collection by Wipf & Stock Publishers," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 19-21. Download PDF |
The Ray S. Anderson Collection |
2011-THS-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Torrance, David W. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview of David W. Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 22-28. Download PDF |
Interview of David W. Torrance |
2011-THS-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Torrance, David W. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview of David W. Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 22-28. Download PDF |
Interview of David W. Torrance |
2011-THS-2 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview of Alasdair Heron," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 29-37 |
Interview of Alasdair Heron |
2011-THS-2 | Journal article | 2011 | Speidell, Todd H., Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Todd H. Speidell, "Interview of Alasdair Heron," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 29-37 |
Interview of Alasdair Heron |
2011-GWD-2 | Journal article | 2011 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "Review of Paul D. Molnar, T. F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 64-73. Download PDF |
Review of Paul D. Molnar, T. F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity |
2011-DOE-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Eugenio, Dick O. | Dick O. Eugenio, "Review of Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 73-79. Download PDF |
Review of Myk Habets, Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance |
2011-GWZ-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Ziegler, Geordie W. | Geordie W. Ziegler, "Review of Gerrit Scott Dawson, ed., An Introduction to Torrance Theology: Discovering the Incarnate Saviour," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 73-79. Download PDF |
Review of Gerrit Scott Dawson, ed., An Introduction to Torrance Theology |
2011-MH-2 | Journal article | 2011 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "Review of Man Kei Ho, A Critical Study on T. F. Torrance's Theology of Incarnation," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 84-88. Download PDF |
Review of Man Kei Ho, A Critical Study on T. F. Torrance's Theology of Incarnation |
2011-PDM-2 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D., Hunsinger, George, Deddo, Gary W., Kettler, Christian D., Torrance, Alan J. | George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
Panel Discussion, 2011 Annual Meeting |
2011-PDM-2 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D., Hunsinger, George, Deddo, Gary W., Kettler, Christian D., Torrance, Alan J. | George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
Panel Discussion, 2011 Annual Meeting |
2011-PDM-2 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D., Hunsinger, George, Deddo, Gary W., Kettler, Christian D., Torrance, Alan J. | George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
Panel Discussion, 2011 Annual Meeting |
2011-PDM-2 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D., Hunsinger, George, Deddo, Gary W., Kettler, Christian D., Torrance, Alan J. | George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
Panel Discussion, 2011 Annual Meeting |
2011-PDM-2 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D., Hunsinger, George, Deddo, Gary W., Kettler, Christian D., Torrance, Alan J. | George Hunsinger, Paul D. Molnar, Gary Deddo, Christian Kettler, and Alan J. Torrance, Panel discussion of Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity (Ashgate, 2009), Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
Panel Discussion, 2011 Annual Meeting |
2011-PDM-1 | Audiovisual material | 2011 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, "T. F. Torrance and the Problem of Universalism," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2011. |
T. F. Torrance and the Problem of Universalism |
2011-MH-1 | Book | 2011 | Myk Habets and Phillip Tolliday, eds., Trinitarian Theology after Barth, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2011) |
Trinitarian Theology after Barth | |
2011-EGF-1 | Book | 2011 | Flett, Eric G. | Eric G. Flett, Persons, Powers, and Pluralities: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Culture, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon, Pickwick Publications, 2011) |
Persons, Powers, and Pluralities |
2011-GWD-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary Deddo, “The Realist and Onto-Relational Frame of T. F. Torrance’s Incarnational and Trinitarian Theology,” Theology in Scotland XVI - Special Issue, In Memoriam The Very Rev. Professor Thomas F. Torrance, 16 (2011): 105-133 |
The Realist and Onto-Relational Frame of T. F. Torrance's Incarnational and Trinitarian Theology |
2011-EMC-1 | Journal article | 2011 | Colyer, Elmer M. | Elmer M. Colyer, "An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 1 (2011): 38-63 |
An Introductory Reader's Guide to the Published Works of T. F. Torrance |
2010-JC3-1 | Book | 2010 | Canlis, Julie | Julie Canlis, Calvin's Ladder: A Spiritual Theology of Ascent and Ascension (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2010) |
Calvin's Ladder |
2010-GWD-1 | Booklet | 2010 | Deddo, Gary W., Deddo, Catherine A. | Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo, God, The Bible, and The Shack (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2010) |
God, The Bible, and The Shack |
2010-GWD-1 | Booklet | 2010 | Deddo, Gary W., Deddo, Catherine A. | Gary W. Deddo and Catherine A. Deddo, God, The Bible, and The Shack (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2010) |
God, The Bible, and The Shack |
2010-CFN-1 | Book | 2010 | Fee Nordling, Cherith | Cherith Fee Nordling, Knowing God by Name: A Conversation between Elizabeth A. Johnson and Karl Barth, Issues in Systematic Theology, 13 (New York: Peter Lang, 2010) |
Knowing God by Name |
2010-P-1 | Journal article | 2010 | Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010) |
Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010) | |
2010-MB-1 | Journal article | 2010 | Baker, Matthew | Matthew Baker, "The Place of St. Irenaus of Lyons in Historical and Dogmatic Theology according to Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 5-43 Download PDF |
The Place of St. Irenaus of Lyons in Historical and Dogmatic Theology according to Thomas F. Torrance |
2010-AICH-1 | Journal article | 2010 | Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Alasdair I. C. Heron, "Calvin in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance: Calvin's Doctrine of Man (1949)," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 44-63. Download PDF |
Calvin in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance |
2010-RR-1 | Journal article | 2010 | Robert R. Redman, Jr. | Robb Redman, "Mackintosh, Torrance and Reformulation of Reformed Theology in Scotland," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 64-76. Download PDF |
Mackintosh, Torrance and Reformulation of Reformed Theology in Scotland |
2010-DASF-2 | Journal article | 2010 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "Torrance as a Scottish Theologian," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 77-87. Download PDF |
Torrance as a Scottish Theologian |
2010-JPB-1 | Journal article | 2010 | Burgess, John P. | John P. Burgess, "Review of George Hunsinger, The Eucharist and Ecumenism," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 89-97. Download PDF |
Review of George Hunsinger, The Eucharist and Ecumenism |
2010-GH-1 | Journal article | 2010 | "Professor George Hunsinger Named Recipient of 2010 Karl Barth Prize," Participatio 2, "Thomas F. Torrance's Influences and Appropriations" (2010): 88. Download PDF |
Professor George Hunsinger Named Recipient of 2010 Karl Barth Prize | |
2010-DASF-1 | Audiovisual material | 2010 | Fergusson, David A. S. | David A. S. Fergusson, "The Ascension of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2010 |
The Ascension of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance |
2010-WTM-1 | Journal article | 2010 | McMaken, W. Travis | W. Travis. McMaken, "The Impossibility of Natural Knowledge of God in T. F. Torrance’s Reformulated Natural Theology," International Journal of Systematic Theology 12, 3 (2010): 319-340 |
The Impossibility of Natural Knowledge of God in T. F. Torrance’s Reformulated Natural Theology |
2010-JM-1 | Book | 2010 | McSwain, Jeff | Jeff McSwain, Movements of Grace: The Dynamic Christo-realism of Barth, Bonhoeffer, and the Torrances (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2010) |
Movements of Grace |
2010-CDK-2 | Book | 2010 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, The God Who Rejoices: Joy, Despair, and the Vicarious Humanity of Christ (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2010) |
The God Who Rejoices |
2010-CDK-1 | Book | 2010 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, Reading Ray S. Anderson: Theology as Ministry, Ministry as Theology (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2010) |
Reading Ray S. Anderson |
2010-MH-1 | Book | 2010 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit Christology, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2010) |
The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit Christology |
2009-RJB-TAN-1 | Book | 2009 | R. J. Berry and T. A. Noble, eds., Darwin, Creation and the Fall: Theological Challenges (Nottingham: Apollos/Inter-Varsity Press, 2009) |
Darwin, Creation and the Fall | |
2009-TAN-1 | Book | 2009 | Noble, Thomas A. | Thomas A. Noble, Research for the Academy and the Church: Tyndale House and Fellowship (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2009) |
Research for the Academy and the Church |
2009-P-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009) |
Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009) | |
2009-AICH-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Alasdair I. C. Heron, "In Memoriam Thomas Forsyth Torrance (1913-2007)," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 6-10. |
In Memoriam Thomas Forsyth Torrance (1913-2007) |
2009-GH-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Hunsinger, George | George Hunsinger, "Thomas F. Torrance: A Eulogy," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 6-10. |
Thomas F. Torrance: A Eulogy |
2009-GWB-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Bromiley, Geoffrey W. | Geoffrey W. Bromiley, "Recollections and Reflections," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 13-14. |
Bromiley, Recollections and Reflections |
2009-EMC-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Colyer, Elmer M. | Elmer M. Colyer, "Recollections and Reflections," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 15-19. |
Colyer, Recollections and Reflections |
2009-JS-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Stein, Jock | Jock Stein, "Recollections and Reflections," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 20. |
Stein, Recollections and Reflections |
2009-HT-1 | Journal article | 2009 | Taylor, Howard | Howard Taylor, "Recollections and Reflections," Participatio 1, "The Theological Significance and Legacy of Thomas F. Torrance" (2009): 21-25. |
Taylor, Recollections and Reflections |