Jeff McSwain, Movements of Grace: The Dynamic Christo-realism of Barth, Bonhoeffer, and the Torrances (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2010)
McSwain, Jeff. Movements of Grace: The Dynamic Christo-realism of Barth, Bonhoeffer, and the Torrances. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2010
Foreword by Jeremy S. Begbie.
Blogged by Kerry Magruder and Ted Johnston.
Discussed in the Reading Group June 24, 2021: Video.
To Barth, Bonhoeffer, and the Torrances, grace is not an abstract truth; it is reality itself. By God's revelation in Jesus Christ we are given the blessed assurance to know that all human beings are included in the humanity of the Savior. And in Christ we discover the movements of grace, a double movement at once God-humanward and human-Godward, all by the Holy Spirit. These theologians were keen to remind us that Christ's ongoing mediatorship includes all appropriate human responses to God. In fact, only by grace and in union with Christ do we have true response-ability. It is this "going with the flow" of the Holy Spirit en Christo that makes Christo-realism so dynamic and life-giving.