Studies Bibliography
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Total Records: 617
This Studies bibliography includes secondary sources which engage the theology and ideas of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance. It includes book reviews and items of any format, including audio and video. Notices of forthcoming works and newly published works are welcomed. This bibliography represents the collective effort of members and officers of the Fellowship. To submit a publication, please use the Publications Form.
McGrath # | Reference Type | Date | More by this Author | Publication | View complete record |
2016-CDK-3 | Journal article | 2016 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, "Review of Don J. Payne, Surviving the Unthinkable: Choosing to Live after Someone You Love Chooses to Die," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 241-242 |
Review of Don J. Payne, Surviving the Unthinkable |
2016-JRR-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Radcliff, Jason R. | Jason R. Radcliff, "Review of Kevin Chiarot, The Unassumed is the Unhealed: The Humanity of Christ in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 243-246 |
Review of Kevin Chiarot, The Unassumed is the Unhealed |
2016-AM-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Morrison, Angus | Angus Morrison, "The Eucharist and Renewal in the Church," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 247-268 |
The Eucharist and Renewal in the Church |
2016-THS-2 | Journal article | 2016 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "The Gospel according to Job," Participatio 6, "T. F. Torrance and Ecclesiology" (2016): 269-275 |
The Gospel according to Job |
2016-AEM-1 | Audiovisual material | 2016 | McGrath, Alister E. | Alister E. McGrath, "A Manifesto for Intellectual Engagement: Reflections on Thomas F. Torrance's Theological Science (1969)," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2016. |
A Manifesto for Intellectual Engagement |
2016-ASR-1 | Book | 2016 | Radcliff, Alexandra S. | Alexandra S. Radcliff, The Claim of Humanity in Christ: Salvation and Sanctification in the Theology of T. F. and J. B. Torrance, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2016) |
The Claim of Humanity in Christ |
2016-JL-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Leidenhag, Joanna | Joanna Leidenhag, "Two Accounts of Scientific Trinitarian Theology: Comparing Wolfhart Pannenberg's and T. F. Torrance's Theological Methodology," Heythrop Journal 57, 6 (2016): 935-949 |
Two Accounts of Scientific Trinitarian Theology |
2016-CGS-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Seed, Carolyn G., Lioy, Daniel, Fick, Rikus | Carolyn G. Seed, Daniel Lioy, and Rikus Fick, "Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and mission in practice," In die Skriflig 50, 1 (2016): a2098 |
Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and Mission in Practice |
2016-CGS-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Seed, Carolyn G., Lioy, Daniel, Fick, Rikus | Carolyn G. Seed, Daniel Lioy, and Rikus Fick, "Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and mission in practice," In die Skriflig 50, 1 (2016): a2098 |
Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and Mission in Practice |
2016-CGS-1 | Journal article | 2016 | Seed, Carolyn G., Lioy, Daniel, Fick, Rikus | Carolyn G. Seed, Daniel Lioy, and Rikus Fick, "Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and mission in practice," In die Skriflig 50, 1 (2016): a2098 |
Thomas F. Torrance: Theology and Mission in Practice |
2016-DG-1 | Book | 2016 | Griffin, David | David Griffin, The Word Became Flesh: A Rapprochement of Christian Natural Law and Radical Christological Ethics, Australian College of Theology Monograph Series, ed. Graeme Chatfield (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016) |
The Word Became Flesh |
2016-THS-1 | Book | 2016 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, Fully Human in Christ: The Incarnation as the End of Christian Ethics (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016) |
Fully Human in Christ |
2016-DJC-1 | Book | 2016 | Cameron, Daniel J. | Daniel J. Cameron, Flesh and Blood: A Dogmatic Sketch Concerning the Fallen Nature View of Christ's Human Nature (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2016) |
Flesh and Blood |
2016-TMS-1 | Book | 2016 | Stevick, Travis M. | Travis M. Stevick, Encountering Reality: TF Torrance on Truth and Human Understanding, Emerging Scholars (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2016) |
Encountering Reality: TF Torrance on Truth and Human Understanding |
2016-JBT-1 | Book | 2016 | Todd Speidell, ed., Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016); #2016-JBT-1 |
Trinity and Transformation | |
2016-AJT-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Torrance, Alan J. | Alan J. Torrance, "Introduction," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 1-16 |
Introduction |
2016-JB-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy Begbie, "Eulogy at the Service of Thanksgiving, Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh, 28th November 2003," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 17-22 |
Eulogy at the Service of Thanksgiving |
2016-AICH-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Alasdair I. C. Heron, "James Torrance: An Appreciation," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 25-31 |
James Torrance: An Appreciation |
2016-MR-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Rae, Murray | Murray Rae, "Sermon," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 23-24 |
Sermon |
2016-MJ-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Jinkins, Michael | Michael Jinkins, "A Pedagogy of Grace," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 32-42 |
A Pedagogy of Grace |
2016-JB-2 | Book chapter | 2016 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy Begbie, "Learning from Teaching: Theological Education in the Light of James Torrance," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 43-52 |
Learning from Teaching |
2016-KD-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Dearborn, Kerry | Kerry Dearborn, "Fifteen Years of Teaching Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 53-61 |
Fifteen Years of Teaching Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace |
2016-TD-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Dearborn, Timothy A. | Tim Dearborn, "From Pragmatism to Participation: the Impact of Trinitarian Faith on Missiology," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 62-67 |
From Pragmatism to Participation: the Impact of Trinitarian Faith on Missiology |
2016-GR-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Redding, Graham | Graham Redding, "Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 68-76 |
Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ |
2016-RSR-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Rodin, R. Scott | R. Scott Rodin, "Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 77-84. |
Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward |
2016-ASR-2 | Book chapter | 2016 | Radcliff, Alexandra S. | Alexandra S. Radcliff, "James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 85-91 |
James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification |
2016-CBK2-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Kruger, C. Baxter | C. Baxter Kruger, "God in the Hands of Angry Sinners," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 92-108 |
God in the Hands of Angry Sinners |
2016-RCD-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Doyle, Robert C. | Robert C. Doyle, "Lifting of the Curse: Athanasius on Making Sense of the Divine 'Wrath' and 'Propitiation' in the Doctrine of Reconciliation," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 109-133 |
Lifting of the Curse |
2016-ABT-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Torrance, Andrew B. | Andrew B. Torrance, "John Calvin and James B. Torrance's Evangelical Vision of Repentance," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 134-156 |
John Calvin and James B. Torrance's Evangelical Vision of Repentance |
2016-RJN-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Newell, Roger J. | Roger J. Newell, "The Stuttgart Declaration of 1945: A Case Study of Guilt, Forgiveness and Foreign Policy," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 157-174 |
The Stuttgart Declaration of 1945 |
2016-JM-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | McSwain, Jeff | Jeff McSwain, "Sheep or Persons? What Luke 15 has to say about Agency and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 175-192 |
Sheep or Persons? |
2016-DAC-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Campbell, Douglas A. | Douglas A. Campbell, "Covenant or Contract in the Interpretation of Paul," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 193-212 |
Covenant or Contract in the Interpretation of Paul |
2016-JMG-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Graham, Jeannine Michele | Jeannine Michele Graham, "'The One for the Many' Theme in James Torrance's Theology," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 213-232 |
'The One for the Many' Theme in James Torrance's Theology |
2016-SM-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | May, Stephen | Stephen May, "'Thrown Back on Ourselves': James Torrance's Critique of Pelagianism in Christian Life and Worship," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 213-232 |
'Thrown Back on Ourselves' |
2016-GWD-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 258-275 |
James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ |
2016-JS-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Stein, Jock | Jock Stein, "Two Poems: Touching Point; The Director's Cut," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 287-289 |
Two Poems |
2016-KB-1 | Book chapter | 2016 | Barth, Karl | Karl Barth, "Personal Note from Karl Barth," in Trinity and Transformation: J. B. Torrance's Vision of Worship, Mission, and Society, ed. Todd H. Speidell (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2016), 291 |
Personal Note from Karl Barth |
2015-MB-THS-1 | Book | 2015 | Matthew Baker and Todd Speidell, eds., T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy: Theology in Reconciliation (Eugene: Wipe & Stock, 2015). |
Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy: Theology in Reconciliation | |
2015-JAC-1 | Dissertation | 2015 | Cox, Jennifer Anne | Jennifer Anne Cox, "Autism, Humanity and Personhood: A Theological Perspective" (PhD dissertation, Murdoch University, 2015) |
Autism, Humanity and Personhood |
2015-P-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015) |
Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015) | |
2015-CDK-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Kettler, Christian D. | Christian D. Kettler, "He has seen the stars... For Us: The Vicarious Humanity of Christ, the Priest of Creation," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 1-17 |
He has seen the stars... For Us |
2015-MH-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "The Fallen Humanity of Christ: A Pneumatological Clarification of the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 18-44 |
The Fallen Humanity of Christ |
2015-CH-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Holmes, Christopher R. J. | Christopher Holmes, "'Renewal Through Union': Thomas F. Torrance on the New Basis of Ethics," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 45-55 |
Renewal Through Union |
2015-THS-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "The Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 56-90 |
The Soteriological Suspension of the Ethical in the Theology of T. F. Torrance |
2015-TMS-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Stevick, Travis M. | Travis M. Stevick, "The Unitary Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in the Thought of T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 91-106 |
The Unitary Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in the Thought of T. F. Torrance |
2015-EJVK-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Review of Andrew Purves, Exploring Christology and Atonement: Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 107-112 |
Review of Andrew Purves, Exploring Christology and Atonement |
2015-JB-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy Begbie, "Review of Eric G. Flett, Persons, Powers and Pluralities," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 113-114 |
Review of Eric G. Flett, Persons, Powers and Pluralities |
2015-DF-1 | Journal article | 2015 | Fairbairn, Donald | Donald Fairbairn, "Review of Jason R. Radcliff, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers: A Reformed, Evangelical, and Ecumenical Reconstruction of the Patristic Tradition," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 115-118 |
Review of Jason R. Radcliff, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers |
2015-WTM-1 | Audiovisual material | 2015 | McMaken, W. Travis | W. Travis McMaken, "Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations: Interrogating Torrance's Criticism of Barth's Doctrine of Baptism," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2015. |
Actualism, Dualism, and Onto-Relations |
2015-JAS-1 | Dissertation | 2015 | Scott, John Andrew | John Andrew Scott, “Recovering the Meaning of Baptism in Westminster Calvinism in Critical Dialogue with Thomas F. Torrance” (PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 2015) |
Recovering the Meaning of Baptism in Westminster Calvinism in Critical Dialogue with Thomas F. Torrance |
2015-AP-1 | Book | 2015 | Purves, Andrew | Andrew Purves, Exploring Christology and Atonement: Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2015) |
Exploring Christology and Atonement |
2015-PDM-1 | Book | 2015 | Molnar, Paul D. | Paul D. Molnar, Faith, Freedom and the Spirit: The Economic Trinity in Barth, Torrance and Contemporary Theology (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2015) |
Faith, Freedom and the Spirit |
2015-HTR-1 | Book | 2015 | Thomas A. Noble, and Jason S. Sexton, eds., The Holy Trinity Revisited: Essays in Response to Stephen R. Holmes, Christian Doctrines in Historical Perspective, ed. Alan P. F. Snell. Milton Keynes (England: Paternoster, 2015) |
The Holy Trinity Revisited | |
2014-CMK-1 | Book | 2014 | MacKellar, Calum, Bechtel, Christopher | Calum MacKellar and Christopher Bechtel, eds., The Ethics of the New Eugenics (Berghahn Books, 2014) |
The Ethics of the New Eugenics |
2014-CMK-1 | Book | 2014 | MacKellar, Calum, Bechtel, Christopher | Calum MacKellar and Christopher Bechtel, eds., The Ethics of the New Eugenics (Berghahn Books, 2014) |
The Ethics of the New Eugenics |
2014-JYL-1 | Book | 2014 | Lacoste, Jean-Yves | Jean-Yves Lacoste, From Theology to Theological Thinking, trans. W. Chris Hackett (Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2014) |
From Theology to Theological Thinking |
2014-MF-1 | Book | 2014 | Folsom, Marty | Marty Folsom, Face to Face, vol. 2: Discovering Relational (Eugene, Oregon, 2014) |
Face to Face: Discovering Relational |
2014-TVDT-1 | Book | 2014 | Holmes, Stephen R., Molnar, Paul D., McCall, Thomas H., Fiddes, Paul S. | Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes, Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Counterpoints Series (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2014) |
Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity |
2014-TVDT-1 | Book | 2014 | Holmes, Stephen R., Molnar, Paul D., McCall, Thomas H., Fiddes, Paul S. | Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes, Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Counterpoints Series (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2014) |
Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity |
2014-TVDT-1 | Book | 2014 | Holmes, Stephen R., Molnar, Paul D., McCall, Thomas H., Fiddes, Paul S. | Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes, Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Counterpoints Series (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2014) |
Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity |
2014-TVDT-1 | Book | 2014 | Holmes, Stephen R., Molnar, Paul D., McCall, Thomas H., Fiddes, Paul S. | Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes, Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity, Counterpoints Series (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2014) |
Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity |
2014-P-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Participatio Supplemental Volume 3: "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014) |
Participatio Supplemental Volume 3: "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014) | |
2014-AJT-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Torrance, Alan J. | Alan J. Torrance, "Introduction," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 1-14. |
Introduction |
2014-JB-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy Begbie, "Eulogy Delivered at the Service of Thanksgiving, Greenbank Parish Church, Edinburgh, 28th November 2003," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 15-20. |
Eulogy |
2014-MR-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Rae, Murray | Murray Rae, "Sermon: Romans 8: 1-4, 12-17, 31-39," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 21-22. |
Sermon |
2014-AICH-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Heron, Alasdair I. C. | Alasdair I. C. Heron, "James Torrance: An Appreciation," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 23-29 |
James Torrance: An Appreciation |
2014-MJ-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Jinkins, Michael | Michael Jinkins, "A Pedagogy of Grace," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 30-39. |
A Pedagogy of Grace |
2014-JB-2 | Journal article | 2014 | Begbie, Jeremy S. | Jeremy Begbie, "Learning from Teaching: Theological Education in the Light of James Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 40-49. |
Learning from Teaching |
2014-KD-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Dearborn, Kerry | Kerry Dearborn, "Fifteen Years of Teaching Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 50-57. |
Fifteen Years of Teaching Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace |
2014-TD-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Dearborn, Timothy A. | Tim Dearborn, "From Pragmatism to Participation: The Impact of Trinitarian Faith on Missiology," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 58-63. |
From Pragmatism to Participation |
2014-GR-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Redding, Graham | Graham Redding, "Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 64-72. |
Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ |
2014-RSR-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Rodin, R. Scott | R. Scott Rodin, "Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 73-79. |
Epistemology, Freedom and the Faithful Steward |
2014-ASR-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Radcliff, Alexandra S. | Alexandra S. Radcliff, "James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 80-86. |
James B. Torrance and the Doctrine of Sanctification |
2014-CBK2-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Kruger, C. Baxter | C. Baxter Kruger, "God in the Hands of Angry Sinners," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 87-102. |
God in the Hands of Angry Sinners |
2014-RCD-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Doyle, Robert C. | Robert C. Doyle, "Lifting of the Curse: Athanasius on Making Sense of the Divine 'Wrath' and 'Propitiation' in the Doctrine of Reconciliation," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 103-125. |
Lifting of the Curse |
2014-ABT-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Torrance, Andrew B. | Andrew B. Torrance, "John Calvin and James B. Torrance's Evangelical Vision of Repentance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 126-147. |
John Calvin and James B. Torrance's Evangelical Vision of Repentance |
2014-RJN-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Newell, Roger J. | Roger J. Newell, "The Stuttgart Declaration of 1945: A Study in Grace, Repentance and Responsibility," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 148-164. |
The Stuttgart Declaration of 1945 |
2014-JM-1 | Journal article | 2014 | McSwain, Jeff | Jeff McSwain, "Sheep or Persons? What Luke 15 has to say about Agency and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 165-181. |
Sheep or Persons? |
2014-DAC-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Campbell, Douglas A. | Douglas A. Campbell, "Covenant or Contract in the Interpretation of Paul," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 182-200. |
Covenant or Contract in the Interpretation of Paul |
2014-JMG-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Graham, Jeannine Michele | Jeannine Michele Graham, "The One for the Many' Theme in James Torrance's Theology," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 201-219. |
The 'One for the Many' Theme in James Torrance's Theology |
2014-SM-1 | Journal article | 2014 | May, Stephen | Stephen May, "'Thrown Back on Ourselves': James Torrance's Christian Life and Worship," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 220-243. |
'Thrown Back on Ourselves' |
2014-GWD-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Deddo, Gary W. | Gary W. Deddo, "'James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 244-260. |
James B. Torrance on the All-Inclusive Humanity of Jesus Christ |
2014-JS-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Stein, Jock | Jock Stein, "'Two Poems: Touching Point; The Director's Cut," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 261-263. |
Two Poems |
2014-KB-1 | Journal article | 2014 | Barth, Karl | Karl Barth, "Personal Note from Karl Barth to James Torrance," Participatio Supplemental Volume 3, "A Theological Tribute to James B. Torrance" (2014): 264. |
Personal Note from Karl Barth to James Torrance |
2014-MH-2 | Journal article | 2014 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Scientist, Evangelist, Theologian, Christian," Catalyst: Contemporary Evangelical Perspectives for United Methodist Seminarians, January, 2014: |
Thomas Forsyth Torrance: Scientist, Evangelist, Theologian, Christian |
2014-EJVK-1 | Book chapter | 2014 | Van Kuiken, E. Jerome | E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Convergence in the 'Reformed' Theologies of T. F. Torrance and Jacobus Arminius: A Preliminary Survey," in Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide, ed. Keith D. Stanglin, Mark G. Bilby and Mark Howard Mann (Milborne Port, UK: Kingswood Books, 2014), 113-135 |
Convergence in the 'Reformed' Theologies of T. F. Torrance and Jacobus Arminius |
2014-MH-1 | Audiovisual material | 2014 | Habets, Myk | Myk Habets, "The Fallen Humanity of Christ: A Theological Account," Keynote presentation, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship, Annual Meeting 2014. |
The Fallen Humanity of Christ |
2014-DOE-1 | Book | 2014 | Eugenio, Dick O. | Dick O. Eugenio, Communion with the Triune God: The Trinitarian Soteriology of T. F. Torrance, Princeton Theological Monograph Series (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014) |
Communion with the Triune God |
2014-JRR-1 | Book | 2014 | Radcliff, Jason R. | Jason R. Radcliff, Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers: A Reformed, Evangelical, and Ecumenical Reconstruction of the Patristic Tradition (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2014) |
Thomas F. Torrance and the Church Fathers |
2013-MMD-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Davis, Martin M. | Martin M. Davis, "Kataphysical inquiry, onto-relationality and elemental forms in T.F. Torrance’s doctrine of the mediation of Jesus Christ," In Die Skriflig | In Luce Verbi 47 (2013), Article #100 |
Kataphysical inquiry, onto-relationality and elemental forms |
2013-AN-1 | Dissertation | 2013 | Nigh, Adam | Adam Nigh, "The Depth Dimension: Scripture and Hermeneutics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (PhD dissertation, Aberdeen University, 2013) |
The Depth Dimension |
2013-MF-1 | Book | 2013 | Folsom, Marty | Marty Folsom, Face to Face, vol. 1: Missing Love (Eugene, Oregon, 2013) |
Face to Face: Missing Love |
2013-THS-2 | Journal article | 2013 | Speidell, Todd H. | Todd H. Speidell, "What Scientists Get, and Theologians Don’t, About Thomas F. Torrance," First Things, June 26, 2013. |
What Scientists Get, and Theologians Don’t, About Thomas F. Torrance |
2013-P-2 | Journal article | 2013 | Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013) |
Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013) | |
2013-P-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Participatio 4,"T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013) |
Participatio 4,"T. F. Torrance and Eastern Orthodoxy" (2013) | |
2013-JEM-1 | Journal article | 2013 | McKenna, John Emory | John Emory McKenna, "Reading Genesis 1:2" Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 1-24 |
Reading Genesis 1:2 |
2013-AP-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Purves, Andrew | Andrew Purves, "'I yet not I but Christ': Galatians 2:20 and the Christian Life in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 25-36 |
I yet not I but Christ |
2013-TMS-1 | Journal article | 2013 | Stevick, Travis M. | Travis M. Stevick, "Openness and Formal Logic in the Natural and Theological Sciences according to T. F. Torrance" Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 37-66 |
Openness and Formal Logic in the Natural and Theological Sciences according to T. F. Torrance |
2013-TMS-2 | Journal article | 2013 | Stevick, Travis M. | Travis M. Stevick, "Truth and Language in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 67-101 |
Truth and Language in the Theology of T. F. Torrance |
2013-GOC-1 | Journal article | 2013 | O'Collins, Gerald | Gerald O'Collins, "Review of Graham Redding, Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ in the Reformed Tradition," Participatio Supplemental Volume 2 (2013): 157-159 |
Review of Graham Redding, Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ in the Reformed Tradition |