William Manson, Jesus and the Christian, ed. with introduction by Thomas F. Torrance (London: James Clarke; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1967); #1967-247
Manson, William. Jesus and the Christian. Edited with an Introduction by Thomas F. Torrance. London: James Clarke; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1967; #1967-247
Thomas F. Torrance wrote the Introduction, pp. 9-14.
Foreword by Mary D. Manson, p. 7 (in its entirety): "Thanks are due to Professor T. F. Torrance of New College, Edinburgh, for the interest he has taken and for the generous help he has given in preparing this book for the Press. It is entirely due to such an act of kindness on the part of a former student to his late teacher that the book is now published."
Also reprinted Greenwood, South Carolina: Attic Press, 1967.
Foreword, 7.
Introduction, 9.
Part I: The Ministry of Jesus
1. New Testament criticism in relation to the Christian religion, 17.
2. The early ministry of Jesus according to St. Mark: A theological approach, 32.
3. The imperative of Jesus. A study of the 'Sermon on the Mount' and the gospel ethics, 50.
4. The purpose of the parables : A re-examination of Mark iv. 10-12, 58.
5. The son of man and history, 67.
6. Prinicipalities and powers: the spiritual background of the work of Jesus in the synoptic gospels, 77.
Part II: The Christian Life
1. The expression of Christian life in the New Testament literature, 91.
2. The argument of the Epistles to the Romans (chapters I-VIII), 135.
3. A reading of Romans VII, 149.
Part III: Eschatology and Mission
1. Early Christian eschatology, 163.
2. The EGO EIMI of the messianic presence in the New Testament, 174.
3. Eschatology in the New Testament, 184.
4. The origin of the Christian world-mission with special reference to the work and teaching of St. Paul, 199.
5. The Biblical doctrine of mission, 208.
Index of Scripture References, 227.
Index of Names, 236.
From the Introduction, p. 14:
"If there is one theme more than another that runs throughout the essays collected in this volume it is the immediacy and realism with which the Kingdom of God apprehended by Jesus and actualized by Him through His life, death and resurrection, bears upon our daily life. In Jesus Himself the absolute of God has reached us in a context of grace and power."