Thomas F. Torrance, Divine and Contingent Order (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981); #1981-385
Torrance, Thomas F. Divine and Contingent Order. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1981; #1981-385
Pagination unchanged in later editions. A "New Preface" was added to the 1988 T&T Clark edition.
See also Thomas F. Torrance, “Divine and Contingent Order,” in The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century, ed. Arthur R. Peacocke (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), 81-97; #1981-407.
Preface, vii-x. #1981-385a
Ch. 1: Determinism and Creation, p. 1. #1981-385b
Ch. 2: God and the Contingent Universe, p. 26. #1981-385c
Ch. 3: Theological and Scientific World-Views, p. 62. #1981-385d
Ch. 4: Contingence and Disorder, p. 85. #1981-385e
Notes: 143.
Index: 161.
“In fulfilment of the divine purpose of salvation the incarnation of God in our world involved such an entry into our fallen and lost condition that God placed himself under the power of evil in order to break it, and took our pain and hurt and suffering into himself in order to quench them in his divine serenity, thus bringing peace to his creation. This movement of God’s holy love into the heart of the world’s evil and agony is not to be understood as a direct act of sheer almighty power, for it is not God’s purpose to shatter and annihilate the agents and embodiments of evil in the world, but rather to pierce into the innermost centre of evil power where it is entrenched in the piled-up and self-compounding guilt of humanity in order to vanquish it from within and below…” (p. 136)