Thomas F. Torrance, "Kerygmatic Proclamation of the Gospel: The Demonstration of Apostolic Preaching of Irenaios of Lyons," The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 37 (1992): 105-121; #1992-557
Torrance, Thomas F. "Kerygmatic Proclamation of the Gospel: The Demonstration of Apostolic Preaching of Irenaios of Lyons." The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 37 (1992): 105-121; #1992-557
Publication life cycle / General notes
The annual Georges Florovsky Lectures.
See also Thomas F. Torrance, "Dramatic Proclamation of the Gospel: Homily on the Passion of Melito of Sardis," The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 37 (1992): 147-63; #1992-551.
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