James B. Torrance, "Prayer and the Triune God of Grace," Audio lectures (1997; https://jasongoroncy.com/2013/11/07/james-torrance-on-prayer-and-the-triune-god-of-grace/); #1997-JBT-1
Torrance, James B. "Prayer and the Triune God of Grace." Audio lectures delivered in 1997, https://jasongoroncy.com/2013/11/07/james-torrance-on-prayer-and-the-triune-god-of-grace/; #1997-JBT-1
Jason Goroncy: "In 1997, Professor James Torrance gave four lectures on the theme ‘Prayer and the Triune God of Grace’, a theme beautifully articulated in his essay ‘The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship’ (published in Theological Foundations for Ministry, edited by Ray Anderson) and in his 1994 Didsbury Lectures (published as Worship, Community, and the Triune God of Grace, #1996-JBT-7), among other places.... The titles of the lectures were:
1. Prayer as Communion: Participating by Grace in the Triune Life of God.
2. Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ.
3. Different Models of Prayer: Stages in the Life of Prayer.
4. Covenant God or Contract God: Is Prayer a Joy or a Burden?"
Comprised of 7 audio files and 1 pdf. The pdf is a hymn with lyrics and musical score.
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