Thomas F. Torrance, The Being and Nature of the Unborn Child (Lenoir, North Carolina: Glen Lorien Books, for Presbyterians Pro-Life, 2000); #2000-TFT-6
Torrance, Thomas F. The Being and Nature of the Unborn Child. Lenoir, North Carolina: Glen Lorien Books, for Presbyterians Pro-Life, 2000; #2000-TFT-6
Publication life cycle / General notes
"The Being and Nature of the Unborn Child was prepared for the 2000 General Assembly Luncheon of Presbyterians Pro-Life.... Both the text presented at the PPL luncheon and the complete essay are included."
T. F. Torrance provided copies of this publication, or one of the related works, to members of Parliament (per Todd Speidell, the 2020 Keynote address).
1: Presented Text.
2: Complete Text.
Publisher (click to see more)