Colin E. Gunton, Christ and Creation, The Didsbury Lectures, 1990 (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2005)
Gunton, Colin E. Christ and Creation. The Didsbury Lectures, 1990. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2005
The relation, the connection, between Christ and creation is the subject of this book, which author Colin Gunton describes as "a summary dogmatic christology." Central to Gunton's christology are a strong incarnation-creation link and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
Constituting the published version of the 1990 Didsbury Lectures delivered by Gunton at British Isles Nazarene College, 'Christ and Creation' offers thought-provoking reflections on major theological themes and realities: creation, redemption, the Trinity, "horizontal" and "vertical" relatedness; Christ's incarnation, virgin birth, passion, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; election, freedom, the Kingdom of God, and the church.
Weaving pneumatological, teleological, eschatological, anthropological, and ecological strands into his christology, Gunton draws from and interacts with a wide range of theologians, from ancient to modern - Paul, Irenaeus, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Calvin, Schleiermacher, Barth, Moltmann, Pannenberg, Thomas Torrance, John Robinson, and many others.