Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, Study Edition, ed. Thomas F. Torrance, Geoffrey W. Bromiley and Frank McCombie (Edinburgh: T&T Clark; with assistance from the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary, 2009), 31 vols.; #2009-TFT-2
Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics, Study Edition. Edited by Thomas F. Torrance, Geoffrey W. Bromiley and Frank McCombie. 31 vols. Edinburgh: T&T Clark; with assistance from the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary, 2009; #2009-TFT-2
Study Edition, title page verso: "All revisions to the original English translation and all translations of Greek, Latin and French © Princeton Theological Seminary, 2009." Paperback, high quality, sewn binding. The Study Edition offers an advantage over the Hendrickson reprint: Barth's frequent quotations of phrases and passages in Greek, Latin, French and German are translated into English in footnotes appearing at the bottom of each page.
Cf. Kerry Magruder, "Reading Karl Barth: Church Dogmatics."
- V.I. The doctrine of the word of God (6 volumes)
- v. II. The doctrine of God (6 volumes)
- v. III. The doctrine of creation (8 volumes)
- v. IV. The doctrine of reconciliation (10 volumes)
- [v. V]. Index with aids for the preacher.