E. Jerome Van Kuiken, "Convergence in the 'Reformed' Theologies of T. F. Torrance and Jacobus Arminius: A Preliminary Survey," in Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide, ed. Keith D. Stanglin, Mark G. Bilby and Mark Howard Mann (Milborne Port, UK: Kingswood Books, 2014), 113-135
Van Kuiken, E. Jerome. "Convergence in the 'Reformed' Theologies of T. F. Torrance and Jacobus Arminius: A Preliminary Survey." In Reconsidering Arminius: Beyond the Reformed and Wesleyan Divide, 113-135. Edited by Keith D. Stanglin, Mark G. Bilby and Mark Howard Mann. Milborne Port, UK: Kingswood Books, 2014
Article abstract:
Both T. F. Torrance in the 20th century and Jacobus Arminius in the 17th century deviate from Reformed doctrines of predestination and election, the extent of the atonement, and the irresistibility of grace as formulated at the Synod of Dort. This essay examines both theologians' positions on these doctrines, noting the differences between them and, more significantly for ecumenical dialogue, their points of convergence.
Publisher's description of the book:
The theology of Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius has been misinterpreted and caricatured in both Reformed and Wesleyan circles. By revisiting Arminius' theology, the book hopes to be a constructive voice in the discourse between so-called Calvinists and Arminians.
Traditionally, Arminius has been treated as a divisive figure in evangelical theology. Indeed, one might be able to describe classic evangelical theology up into the 20th century in relation to his work: one was either an Arminian and accepted his theology, or one was a Calvinist and rejected his theology. Although various other movements within evangelicalism have provided additional contour to the movement (fundamentalism, Pentecostalism, etc.), the Calvinist-Arminian "divide" remains a significant one. What this book seeks to correct is the misinterpretation of Arminius as one whose theology provides a stark contrast to the Reformed tradition as a whole. Indeed, this book will demonstrate instead that Arminius is far more in line with Reformed orthodoxy than popularly believed, and show that what emerges as Arminianism in the theology of the Remonstrants and Wesleyan movements was in fact not the theology of Arminius, but rather a development of and sometimes departure from it.
This book also brings Arminius into conversation with modern theology. To this end, it includes essays on the relationship between Arminius' theology and open theism and Neo-Reformed theology. In this way, this book fulfills the promise of the title by showing ways in which Arminius' theology--once properly understood--can serve as a resource of evangelical Wesleyans and Calvinists doing theology together today.
Contributors: Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs; Mark G. Bilby; Oliver D. Crisp; W. Stephen Gunter; John Mark Hicks; Mark H. Mann; Thomas H. McCall; Richard A. Muller; Keith D. Stanglin; E. Jerome Van Kuiken.
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