Myk Habets, "The Fallen Humanity of Christ: A Pneumatological Clarification of the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance," Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 18-44
Habets, Myk. "The Fallen Humanity of Christ: A Pneumatological Clarification of the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance." Participatio 5, "The Vicarious Humanity of Christ and Ethics" (2015): 18-44
This paper was originally delivered as the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship Annual Meeting Lecture, American Academy of Religion, November, San Diego, USA; #2014-MH-1.
Thomas Torrance’s account of the Incarnation contains a central axiom, namely, the assumption of fallen human nature. Not without precedent, Torrance’s christology has been critiqued as incoherent, unbiblical, and unorthodox. When the pneumatological elements nascent in Torrance's christology are examined, Torrance's theology offers a more biblical, coherent, and orthodox theology than its opponents have yet acknowledged. Such a clarification of Torrance's theology, one in which the work of the Holy Spirit is more prominent, offers a dogmatic and pastoral advantage over most text-book approaches to theology, and it also provides a way in which to address the critique Torrance’s doctrine of the non assumptus has attracted.
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