Fr Georges Florovsky and T. F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Creation


Alexander J. D. Irving, "Fr Georges Florovsky and T. F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Creation," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 61, 3 (2017): 301–322


Irving, Alexander J. D. "Fr Georges Florovsky and T. F. Torrance on the Doctrine of Creation." St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 61, 3 (2017): 301–322


Fr Georges Florovsky (1893–1979) inspired the admiration of Reverend Professor Thomas F. Torrance (1913–2007), and stimulated his thought regarding the doctrine of creation. A closer inquiry into the impact of Florovsky’s thought on Torrance raises some potentially fruitful avenues for the ecumenism which both theologians held so dear.

Journal (click to see more)