Kevin J. Navarro, Trinitarian Doxology: T. F. and J. B. Torrance's Theology of Worship as Participation by the Spirit in the Son's Communion with the Father (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2020)
Navarro, Kevin J. Trinitarian Doxology: T. F. and J. B. Torrance's Theology of Worship as Participation by the Spirit in the Son's Communion with the Father. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2020
Foreword by Thomas A. Noble.
Discussed in the Reading Group on January 14, 2021: Video.
Most approaches to liturgical theology are anthropocentric: the study of liturgy is primarily focused on what we, the worshipers, do. Thomas F. Torrance and James B. Torrance offer a trinitarian and christocentric approach. This informs not only the “why” of worship and not simply the “what” or “how” of worship, but centers on the One whom we worship. Most significantly, it fully recognizes the key role of the humanity of Christ as the ascended High Priest who alone offers the perfect worship and through whom alone we are enabled by the Spirit to worship God.