Sinless Savior in Fallen Flesh?


E. Jerome Van Kuiken, “Sinless Savior in Fallen Flesh? Toward Clarifying and Closing the Debate,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 64, no. 2 (2021): 327–340


Van Kuiken, E. Jerome. “Sinless Savior in Fallen Flesh? Toward Clarifying and Closing the Debate.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 64, no. 2 (2021): 327–340

Publication life cycle / General notes

To be discussed in the Reading Group, December 9, 2021.


Did Christ assume a fallen human nature? This question has provoked much controversy in recent theological literature. This article aims to clarify and bring a measure of closure to the debate. First, the claims of the "fallenness" view(s) are clarified by addressing six objections. I conclude that both sides have misinterpreted one another. Secondly, in light of this conclusion, three proposals set out a path toward potentially ending the debate by excluding outliers, recognizing conceptual consensus while tolerating terminological diversity, and adjusting terminology. I end with an appeal for reconciliation grounded in the Incarnation.
