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This Sources bibliography includes all known publications of Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance and David W. Torrance (with the ongoing goal of direct independent verification of each reference). To submit a publication for consideration, please use the Publications Form.

McGrath # Reference Type Date More by this Author Publication View complete record
1976-331b Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Introduction," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 1-26; #1976-331b

1976-331c Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Biblical Concept of the Resurrection," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 27-45; #1976-331c

The Biblical Concept of the Resurrection
1976-331d Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Resurrection and the Person of Christ," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 46-60; #1976-331d

The Resurrection and the Person of Christ
1976-331e Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Resurrection and the Atoning Work of Christ," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 61-85; #1976-331e

The Resurrection and the Atoning Work of Christ
1976-331f Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Nature of the Resurrection Event," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 86-105; #1976-331f

The Nature of the Resurrection Event
1976-331g Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ascension of Christ," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 106-122; #1976-331g

The Ascension of Christ
1976-331h Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Nature of the Ascension Event," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 123-142; #1976-331h

The Nature of the Ascension Event
1976-331i Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Ascension and the Parousia of Christ," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 143-158; #1976-331i

The Ascension and the Parousia of Christ
1976-331j Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Lord of Space and Time," in Space, Time and Resurrection (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 1976), 159-193; #1976-331j

The Lord of Space and Time
1976-332 Book chapter 1976

Thomas F. Torrance, trans., "The Catechism of Geneva," in The Proposed Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church of the United States (Atlanta, Georgia: Materials Distribution Service, 1976), 11-43; #1976-332

The Catechism of Geneva
1976-334 Book chapter 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Christian Theology in the Context of Scientific Revolution," in Pluralisme et Oecumenisme en Recherches Théologiques, Mélanges offerts au R. P. Dockx, O.P., ed. Yves Congar (Paris-Gembloux: Éditions Duculot, 1976), 295-311; #1976-334

Christian Theology in the Context of Scientific Revolution
1976-BG Book chapter 1976 Gray, Bryan

Bryan Gray, "Bibliography of the Published Writings of Thomas F. Torrance (1941-75)," in Creation, Christ, and Culture: Studies in Honour of T. F. Torrance, ed. Richard W. A. McKinney (Edinburgh: Clark, 1976), 307-321; #1976-BG

Bibliography of the Published Writings of Thomas F. Torrance (1941-75)
1976-338 Journal article 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Pascal Mystery and the Eucharist: General Theses," Liturgical Review 6 (1976): 6-12; #1976-338

The Pascal Mystery and the Eucharist: General Theses
1976-TFT-5 Journal article 1976 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Transforming Power of Jesus Christ," Life and Work: The Record of the Church of Scotland, January (1976):8-10, 22

The Transforming Power of Jesus Christ
1975-329 Journal article 1975-12 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Toward an Ecumenical Consensus on the Trinity," Theologische Zeitschrift 31 (1975): 337-350; #1975-329

Toward an Ecumenical Consensus on the Trinity
1975-TFT-1 Audiovisual material 1975-11-3 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theology and the Scientific Revolution," Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, November 3, 1975 (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1975-TFT-1

Theology and the Scientific Revolution
1975-JBT-1 Audiovisual material 1975 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Barth's Political Philosophy," Regent College, 1975 (Vancouver, British Columbia, Regent Audio,; #1975-JBT-1

Barth's Political Philosophy
1936-323 Book 1975 Barth, Karl

Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics I/1, The Doctrine of the Word of God, Part I, trans. G. T. Thomson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1936), 1st ed.; #1936-323

Church Dogmatics I/1, The Doctrine of the Word of God, Part I
1975-322 Book 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975); #1975-322

Theology in Reconciliation
1975-323 Book 1975 Barth, Karl

Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics I/1, The Doctrine of the Word of God, Part I, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and G. W. Bromiley, trans. G. W. Bromiley (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1975), 2d ed.; #1975-323

Church Dogmatics I/1, The Doctrine of the Word of God, Part I
1975-324 Book 1975 Jüngel, Eberhard

Eberhard Jüngel, The Trinity: God's Being is in Becoming, trans. Horton Harris, Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology, no. 4, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975); #1975-324

The Trinity: God's Being is in Becoming
1975-TFT-2 Book 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Theology in Reconstruction (Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1975); #1975-TFT-2

Theology in Reconstruction
1975-327 Journal article 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Hermeneutics, or the Interpretation of Biblical and Theological Statements, according to Hilary of Poitiers," Abba Salama: A Review of the Association of Ethio-Hellenic Studies 6 (1975): 37-69; #1975-327

Hermeneutics, or the Interpretation of Biblical and Theological Statements, according to Hilary of Poitiers
1975-328 Journal article 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Le Mystère pascal du Christ et l'Eucharistie," Istina 20 (1975): 404-34; #1975-328

Le Mystère pascal du Christ et l'Eucharistie
1975-322a Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 7-14; #1975-322a

1975-322b Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Ecumenism: A Reappraisal of its Significance, Past, Present and Future," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 15-81; #1975-322b

Ecumenism: A Reappraisal
1975-322c Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The One Baptism Common to Christ and His Church," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 82-105; #1975-322c

The One Baptism Common to Christ and His Church
1975-322d Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Paschal Mystery of Christ and the Eucharist," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 106-138; #1975-322d

The Paschal Mystery of Christ and the Eucharist
1975-322e Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Mind of Christ in Worship: The Problem of Apollinarianism in the Liturgy," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 139-214; #1975-322e

The Mind of Christ in Worship
1975-322f Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Athanasius: A Study in the Foundations of Classical Theology," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 215-266; #1975-322f

Athanasius: A Study in the Foundations of Classical Theology
1975-322g Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Church in the New Era of Scientific and Cosmological Change," in Theology in Reconciliation: Essays towards Evangelical and Catholic Unity in East and West (London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1975), 267-293; #1975-322g

The Church in the New Era of Scientific and Cosmological Change
1975-325 Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Ecumenismo," in Enciclopedia del Novecento come lessico del massimi problemi (Rome: Instituto dell' Enciclopedia Italiana - Ricordi, 1975), 294-313; #1975-325

1975-326 Book chapter 1975 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Function of Inner and Outer Word in Lonergan's Theological Method," in Looking at Lonergan's Method, ed. Patrick Corcoran (Dublin: The Talbot Press, 1975), 101-126; #1975-326

The Function of Inner and Outer Word in Lonergan's Theological Method
1974-315 Book 1974 Boyd, Robin H. S.

Robin H. S. Boyd, India and the Latin Captivity of the Church, Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology, no. 3, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974); #1974-315

India and the Latin Captivity of the Church
1974-316 Book 1974 Harris, Horton

Horton Harris, David Friedrich Strauss and His Theology, Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology, no. 2, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974); #1974-316

David Friedrich Strauss and His Theology
1974-313 Book chapter 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Relation of the Incarnation to Space in Nicene Theology," in The Ecumenical World of Orthodox Civilisation, vol. III: Russia and Orthodoxy: Essays in Honor of Georges Florovsky, ed. Andrew Blane (The Hague: Mouton, 1974), 43-70; #1974-313

The Relation of the Incarnation to Space in Nicene Theology
1974-317 Journal article 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Athanasius: A Reassessment of His Theology," Abba Salama: A Review of the Association of Ethio-Hellenic Studies 5 (1974): 171-187; #1974-317

Athanasius: A Reassessment of His Theology
1974-321 Journal article 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Science and Philosophy in the Era of Cosmological Revolution," Abba Salama: A Review of the Association of Ethio-Hellenic Studies 5 (1974): 168-170; #1974-321

Science and Philosophy in an Era of Cosmological Revolution
1974-318 Journal article 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Contribution of the Greek Community in Alexandria to the Intelligent Understanding of the Christian Gospel and Its Communication in the World of Science and Culture," Abba Salama: A Review of the Association of Ethio-Hellenic Studies 5 (1974): 188-192; #1974-318

The Contribution of the Greek Community in Alexandria
1974-319 Journal article 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Une contribution aux recherches de Foi et Constitution sur le ministère ordonné," Istina 19 (1974): 427-434; #1974-319

Une contribution aux recherches de Foi et Constitution sur le ministère ordonné
1974-320 Journal article 1974 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Evangelical Significance of the Homoousion," Abba Salama: A Review of the Association of Ethio-Hellenic Studies 5 (1974): 165-168; #1974-320.

The Evangelical Significance of the Homoousion
1973-314 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Vérité et Autorité: Thèses sur la Vérité," Istina 18 (1973): 44-47; #1973-314

Vérité et Autorité
1973-312 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Integration of Form in Natural and Theological Science," Science, Medicine and Man 1 (1973): 143-172; #1973-312

The Integration of Form in Natural and Theological Science
1973-309 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae, Editio Tertia, Ad fidem Codicum Antiquiorum Restituta, vol. 1, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 488-490; #1973-309

Review of Peter Lombard, Sententiae in IV Libris Distinctae
1973-JBT-1 Journal article 1973 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Contribution of McLeod Campbell to Scottish Thelogy," Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 295-311; #1973-JBT-1

The Contribution of McLeod Campbell to Scottish Thelogy
1973-306 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of M. Schmaus, A. Grillmeier and L. Scheffczyk, eds., Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 100-102; #1973-306

Review of Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte
1973-307 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Alaster McKinnon, ed., The Kierkegaard Indices, vol. 2, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 106-108; #1973-307

Review of Alaster McKinnon, The Kierkegaard Indices, vol. 2
1973-305 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of J. B. Bauer, ed., Bauer Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 229-231; #1973-305

Review of J. B. Bauer, ed., Bauer Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology
1973-308 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Thomas Aquinas, Opera Omnia iussu Leonis XIII P. M. edita, vols. 40 and 48, Scottish Journal of Theology 26 (1973): 350-352; #1973-308

Review of Thomas Aquinas, Opera Omnia
1973-311 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Church in an Era of Scientific Change," New College Bulletin 7 (1973): 19-31; #1973-311

The Church in an Era of Scientific Change
1973-310 Journal article 1973 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Church in an Era of Scientific Change," The Month (1973): 136-142 (April), 176-180 (May); #1973-310

The Church in an Era of Scientific Change
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
TFT-1973-1 Audiovisual material 1973 British Broadcasting Network, Torrance, Thomas F., Torrance, David W., Torrance, James B., Walker, Grace Brownlee Torrance, MacKenzie, Margaret Ramsey Torrance, Wallace, Mary Monlin Torrance, MacLeod, Donald B.

"Interview with the Torrance Family," Broadcast in the BBC programme, Under the Influence (1973).

Interview with the Torrance Family
1972-302 Journal article 1972-9 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Newton, Einstein and Scientific Theology," Religious Studies 8 (1972): 233-250; #1972-302

Newton, Einstein and Scientific Theology
1972-303 Journal article 1972 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Truth and Authority: Theses on Truth," Irish Theological Quarterly 39 (1972): 215-242; #1972-303

Truth and Authority: Theses on Truth
1972-299 Journal article 1972 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of S. Brown and G. Gall, eds., William of Ockham, Opera philosophica et theologica, vol. 2, Scottish Journal of Theology 25 (1972): 459-461; #1972-299

Review of Brown and Gall, William of Ockham, Opera
1972-298 Journal article 1972 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Article Review of Alastair McKinnon, Falsification and Belief, Scottish Journal of Theology 25 (1972): 435-453; #1972-298

Article Review of Alastair McKinnon, Falsification and Belief
1972-300 Journal article 1972 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of G. Etzkorn and I. Brady, eds., Roger Marston, Quodlibeta quattuor ad fidem codicum nunc primum edita, Scottish Journal of Theology 25 (1972): 461-462; #1972-300

Review of Etzkorn and Brady, Roger Marston, Quodlibeta
1972-304 Book chapter 1972 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Where is God?," in Asking Them Questions, New Series, Part I, ed. Ronald Selby Wright (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), 17-26; #1972-304

Where is God?
1972-253 Book 1972 Calvin, John

John Calvin, Calvin's Commentaries, A Harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the Epistles of James and Jude, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance, trans. A. W. Morrison and T. H. L. Parker (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1972), 3 vols.; #1972-253

Calvin's Commentaries, A Harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the Epistles of James and Jude
1972-297 Book 1972 Rumscheidt, H. Martin

H. Martin Rumscheidt, Revelation and Theology: An Analysis of the Barth-Harnack Correspondence of 1923, Monograph Supplements to the Scottish Journal of Theology, no. 1, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972); #1972-297

Revelation and Theology: An Analysis of the Barth-Harnack Correspondence of 1923
1972-TFT-1 Book 1972

Thomas F. Torrance and J. K. S. Reid, eds., Scottish Journal of Theology, Monograph Supplements, nos. 1-[5] (Edinburgh, London: Oliver & Boyd, 1972-1988); #1972-TFT-1

Scottish Journal of Theology, Monograph Supplements
1971-TFT-3 Audiovisual material 1971-6-15 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Understanding of Jesus Christ in the Scientific World of Today," June 15, 1971 (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1971-TFT-3

The Understanding of Jesus Christ in the Scientific World of Today
1971-291 Journal article 1971-5 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Breaking of Bread," Liturgical Studies, May, 1 (1971): 18-26; #1971-291

The Breaking of Bread
1971-TFT-2 Audiovisual material 1971-3-21 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Science and Theology," March 21, 1981 (Princeton Theological Seminary Media Archive,; #1971-TFT-2

Science and Theology
1971-JBT-1 Unpublished 1971 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, Report of the Committee on Public Worship and Aids to Devotion to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1971

Report of the Committee on Public Worship and Aids to Devotion
1971-JBT-2 Book chapter 1971 Torrance, James B.

James B.Torrance, "Trinity Sunday: Worship in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," in The Word for all Seasons, edited by John Birkbek (Stirling, Scotland: The Drummond Press, [1971]), 94-103

Trinity Sunday
1971-292 Journal article 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Die eine Taufe, die Christus und seiner Kirche gemeinsam ist," Kerygma und Dogma 17 (1971): 188-208; #1971-292

Die eine Taufe, die Christus und seiner Kirche gemeinsam ist
1971-293 Journal article 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of St Athanasius," Ekklesiastikos Pharos 53 (1971): 133-149; #1971-293

The Hermeneutics of St Athanasius
1971-290 Book 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971); #1971-290

God and Rationality
1971-295 Book 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Newton, Einstein and Scientific Theology (1971); #1971-295

Newton, Einstein and Scientific Theology
1971-290c Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Eclipse of God," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 29-55; #1971-290c

The Eclipse of God
1971-290e Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theology in a Scientific World," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 89-111; #1971-290e

Theology in a Scientific World
1972-301 Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Doctrine," in A Theological Book List: English Supplement No. 3, ed. Arthur Marcus Ward (London: Theological Education Fund, by Morrison and Gibb Limited, 1971), 20-23; #1972-301

1971-296 Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Place of Word and Truth in Theological Inquiry according to St Anselm," in Studia mediaevalia et mariologica: P. Carolo Balic OFM septuagesimum explenti annum dicata, ed. Roberto Zavalloni (Rome: Editrice Antonianum, 1971), 133-160; #1971-296

The Place of Word and Truth in Theological Inquiry according to St. Anselm
1971-290a Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Preface," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), vii-ix; #1971-290a

1971-290b Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Rationality," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 3-25; #1971-290b

Theological Rationality
1971-290d Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Cheap and Costly Grace," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 56-85; #1971-290d

Cheap and Costly Grace
1971-290f Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Ecumenism and Science," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 112-134; #1971-290f

Ecumenism and Science
1971-290g Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Word of God and the Response of Man," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 137-164; #1971-290g

The Word of God and the Response of Man
1971-290h Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Epistemological Relevance of the Holy Spirit," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 165-192; #1971-290h

The Epistemological Relevance of the Holy Spirit
1971-290i Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Theological Persuasion," in God and Rationality (London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1971), 195-206; #1971-290i

Theological Persuasion
1971-294 Book chapter 1971 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Karl Barth," in Ten Makers of Modern Protestant Thought, ed. George Laird Hunt (New York: Association Press, 1971), 47-54; #1971-294

Karl Barth
1970-286 Journal article 1970-6 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Problem of Natural Theology in the Thought of Karl Barth," Religious Studies 6 (1970): 121-135; #1970-286

The Problem of Natural Theology in the Thought of Karl Barth
1970-287 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Professor Daniel L. Deegan," New College Bulletin 5 (1970): 121-135; #1970-287

Professor Daniel L. Deegan
1970-284 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "1469-1969. La Philosophie et la Théologie de Jean Mair ou Major (1469-1550): Theologica,” Archives de Philosophie 33 (1970): 261-294; #1970-284

Jean Mair: Theologica
1970-JBT-1 Journal article 1970 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship," Church Service Society Annual 40 (1970): 41-62; #1970-JBT-1

The Place of Jesus Christ in Worship
1970-285 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of St Athanasius," Ekklesiastikos Pharos 52 (1970): 46-48, 89-106, 237-249; #1970-285

The Hermeneutics of St Athanasius
1970-288 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Sermon on Acts 2:41-47," Ekklesiastikos Pharos 52 (1970): 191-199; #1970-288

Sermon on Acts 2:41-47
1970-282 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Alexandrian Theology," Ekklesiastikos Pharos 52 (1970): 185-189; #1970-282

Alexandrian Theology
1970-JBT-2 Journal article 1970 Torrance, James B.

James B. Torrance, "Covenant or Contract?: A Study of the Theological Background of Worship in Seventeenth-Century Scotland," Scottish Journal of Theology 23 (1970): 51-76; #1970-JBT-2

Covenant or Contract?: A Study of the Theological Background of Worship in Seventeenth-Century Scotland
1970-281 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of Karl Rahner, with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth, Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology, vol. 4, Scottish Journal of Theology 23 (1970): 94; #1970-281

Review of Karl Rahner, Sacramentum Mundi: An Encyclopedia of Theology, vol. 4
1970-280 Journal article 1970 Torrance, Thomas F.

Thomas F. Torrance, Review of E. D. Willis, Calvin's Catholic Christology, Scottish Journal of Theology 23 (1970): 92-94; #1970-280

Review of E. D. Willis, Calvin's Catholic Christology
1970-283 Book chapter 1970 Torrance, Thomas F., Blaikie, Robert J.

Thomas F. Torrance, "Foreword," in Robert J. Blaikie, 'Secular Christianity' and God Who Acts (London: Hodder & Stoughton; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1970), 9-10; #1970-283
