Review of Etzkorn and Brady, Roger Marston, Quodlibeta


Thomas F. Torrance, Review of G. Etzkorn and I. Brady, eds., Roger Marston, Quodlibeta quattuor ad fidem codicum nunc primum edita, Scottish Journal of Theology 25 (1972): 461-462; #1972-300


Torrance, Thomas F. Review of G. Etzkorn and I. Brady, Editors, Roger Marston, Quodlibeta Quattuor ad Fidem Codicum Nunc Primum Edita. Scottish Journal of Theology 25, no. 4 (1972): 461-462; #1972-300

Revision status

461-462 (as in IT, AM), not 458-459 (BG).

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