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Do you have an unpublished, obscure or hard-to-locate item related to Thomas F. Torrance, James B. Torrance, or David W. Torrance?
Please consider whether this website would make a suitable place to host it in our digital archive. Perhaps it might be any of the following formats:
- Audio or video recordings
- Original correspondence
- Newspaper or newsletter articles
- Course or lecture handouts
- Photographs
- Obscure or hard-to-locate publications by TFT, JBT, or DWT
- Your own Torrance-related publications (if you can grant us permission to distribute them)
- Torrance-related publications that you have access to which are not covered by copyright
If copyright does not prevent redistribution, then the resource file (pdf, video, audio) will be attached to the bibliographic record. In this way open access digital resources are shared here. See the Bibliography tab for a link to records with "Online and Open Access" resources.
The Sources bibliography of this website is based upon direct independent verification (via print or digital copies) of every item, in any format (cf. our Wanted List). So we would appreciate hearing if you can verify the existence of any item that we have not yet seen, even if it is under copyright and therefore not suitable for publishing here; at least we can make sure that there is a record of it and that scholars in the future will be able to know about it.
If you contact us about an item, let us know if it is available online, or whether you have it in your possession. Records of all items will be added to the Sources and Studies bibliographies to facilitate discovery by future scholars. The scope of the bibliography project includes materials of all formats. The bibliographic entry for any given item contains a web link as well as all the information we can gather about the original setting. Download links are found in the right sidebar of any bibli0graphic record when the resource is available online.
Send new materials, corrections, and comments to the bibliography editors using the Webmaster contact form. Also let us know if you can provide or verify any item on our Wanted List.
For all materials under copyright, we will respect the right of first publication and seek to deposit them in the appropriate institutional archive.
Links to archives and relevant finding aids are included in the bibliographies, including the following resources in the Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library:
- Manuscript Guide, The Thomas F. Torrance Manuscript Collection
- T. F. Torrance Collection of Antiquarian Books
And the Torrance Science and Religion Collection at the University of Oklahoma History of Science Collections.
Related pages:
- For the website implementation of the bibliographies, see the Tutorial pages for Sources and Studies. The Bib FAQ and McGrath# FAQ answer questions about the bibliographies themselves.
- About the Bibliographies
- Call for Materials
- Bibliographies Wanted List
- Development of the Sources Bibliography
- The Sources Bibliography as a Research Tool
- Download Sources bibliography for use in offline bibliographic software.