Thomas F. Torrance, "The Atonement and the Oneness of the Church," Scottish Journal of Theology 7 (1954): 245-269; #1954-070
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Atonement and the Oneness of the Church." Scottish Journal of Theology 7, no. 3 (1954): 245-269; #1954-070
Footnote #1: "The Albrecht Stumpff Memorial Lecture delivered at the Queen's College, Birmingham, on 3rd May 1954. In this printed form the argument has been somewhat expanded."
Reprinted in Conflict and Agreement in the Church, I, Order and Disorder, #1959-139i.
In August 1952, the Third World Conference on Faith and Order meeting at Lund formulated its Ecumenical objective in terms like this: Our major differences clearly concern the doctrine of the Church, but let us penetrate behind the divisions of the Church on earth to our common faith in the one Lord. Let us start from the central fact that Jesus Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it, and by His Spirit made it His own Body. From the oneness of Christ we will try to understand the unity of the Church in Him and from the unity of Christ and His Body we will seek a means of realising that unity in the actual state of our divisions on earth. What is envisaged here is a thorough-going Christological criticism of our differences in order to open up the way for reformation and reunion of the Church in obedience to the one Lord.