John Calvin, Calvin's New Testament Commentaries, ed. Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1959-1965; Edinburgh: The St. Andrew Press, 1972; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1959-1972), 12 vols.; #1960-TFT-DWT-1
Calvin, John. Calvin's New Testament Commentaries. Edited by Thomas F. Torrance and David W. Torrance. 12 vols. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1959-1965; Edinburgh: The St. Andrew Press, 1972; Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1959-1972; #1960-TFT-DWT-1
Publication life cycle / General notes
Reprinted by Eerdmans in paperback in the 1990s, and now available through Eerdmans via print-on-demand.
- Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1959-1965
- Edinburgh: The St. Andrew Press, 1972;
- Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans; 1990s.
- A harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke (#1972-253). 2 vols.
- A harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke (#1972-253). 2 vols.
- A harmony of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and the Epistles of James and Jude (#1972-253).
- The Gospel according to St. John, 1-10 (#1959-142).
- The Gospel according to St. John, 11-21, and the First epistle of John (#1961-170).
- The Acts of the Apostles, 1-13 (#1965-227).
- The Acts of the Apostles, 14-28 (#1966-237).
- The epistles of Paul the apostle to the Romans and to the Thessalonians (#1961-171).
- The First epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (#1960-158).
- The Second epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians, and the epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon (#1964-206).
- The epistles of Paul the apostle to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians (#1965-227).
- The Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Hebrews and the First and Second epistles of St. Peter (#1963-192).
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