Time in Scientific and Historical Research


Thomas F. Torrance, "Time in Scientific and Historical Research," Epistemologia 10 (1987): 73-80; #1987-487


Torrance, Thomas F. "Time in Scientific and Historical Research." Epistemologia 10, Fascicolo Speciale: Les Relations Mutuelles entre la Philosophie des Sciences et L'Histoire des Sciences (1987): 73-80; #1987-487

Publication life cycle / General notes

An Italian journal for the philosophy of science. Special issue devoted to the mutual relations between the philosophy of science and the historical sciences.

Iain Torrance bibliography indicates papers were based upon a conference held May 15, 1985, in Fribourg, Switzerland.

Reprint of #1986-475.

Revision status

Not vol. 29 (as in IT), but 10 (as in AM).

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