Thomas F. Torrance, "The Hermeneutics of Erasmus," in Probing the Reformed Tradition: Historical Studies in Honor of Edward A. Dowey, Jr., ed. Elsie Anne McKee and Brian G. Armstrong (Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989), 48-76; #1989-512
Torrance, Thomas F. "The Hermeneutics of Erasmus." In Probing the Reformed Tradition: Historical Studies in Honor of Edward A. Dowey, Jr., 48-76. Edited by Elsie Anne McKee and Brian G. Armstrong. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989; #1989-512
Reprinted in Divine Interpretation, #2017-TFT-1g.
Justification language and grace : the charge of Pelagianism in the Middle Ages / Karlfried Froehlich
The hermeneutics of Erasmus / Thomas F. Torrance
Calvin's teaching on the notae fidelium : an unnoticed part of the Institutio 4.1.8. / Wilhelm Neuser
Observations on Calvin's Trinitarian doctrine of grace / Alexandre Ganoczy
From seed to fruition : Calvin's notion of the semen fidei and its aftermath in reformed orthodoxy / Otto Gründler
Calvin's prophetic reinterpretation of kingship / David Willis-Watkins
Duplex cognitio Dei, or? The problem and relation of structure, form, and purpose in Calvin's theology / Brian G. Armstrong
Exegesis, theology, and development in Calvin's Institutio : a methodological suggestion / Elsie Anne McKee
Zwingli the exegete : a contribution to the 450th anniversary of the death of Erasmus / Fritz Büsser
Zwingli in the writings of Karl Barth -- with special emphasis on the doctrine of the sacraments / Akira Demura
"Capito totus noster nunc est. Utinam fuisset semper." Capito's return to the reformed camp / Willem van 't Spijker
Barriers to Protestant ecumenism in the career of Theodore Beza / Robert M. Kingdon. The benefits of Christianization and Reformation for the Hungarian people / Mihály Bucsay
The Edinburgh manuscript pages of Servetus' Christianismi restitutio / David F. Wright
St. John of the Cross' poem "Dark night" : the dark night of the soul, or the senses' delight? / José C. Nieto
John Wilkins and Galileo Galilei : Copernicanism and biblical interpretation in the Protestant and Catholic traditions / Gary B. Deason
On the possibility and perfectibility of Christian revelation / Jean-Loup Seban
Practical belief : Friedrich Karl Forberg (1770-1848) and the fictionalist view of religious language / B.A. Gerrish
Schleiermacher's theology : ecclesial and scientific, ecumenical and reformed / Terrence N. Tice
Philip Schaff at Chur, 1819-1834 / Ulrich Gäbler
James Henley Thornwell and the shaping of the reformed tradition