Thomas F. Torrance, The Mediation of Christ: Evangelical Theology and Scientific Culture, 2d ed. (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992); #1992-542
Torrance, Thomas F. The Mediation of Christ: Evangelical Theology and Scientific Culture. 2d ed. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992; #1992-542
Contains a new chapter 5, "The Atonement and the Holy Trinity."
Contents of this #1992-542 British edition are the same as for the #1992-TFT-4 American edition.
Pagination differs from earlier editions.
Original Preface: "The book represents an extended form of the Didsbury Lectures which it was my privilege to deliver in The British Isles Nazarene College in Manchester during October 1982."
Audio lectures given in 1981 are available from Princeton (#1981-TFT-5a through 5d).
Foreword to the New Edition: "In this new edition of The Mediation of Christ I have inserted some sub-titles into the third and fourth chapters, to facilitate their reading, and added a new chapter on 'The Atonement and the Holy Trinity'.... I have also developed further the way in which the mission of Israel and the mission of Christ are deeply interlocked in faithful understanding of revelation and reconciliation... I have also offered discussion of this subject in the book The Witness of the Jews to God, edited by my brother, the Rev. David W. Torrance..."
"To Alison, our beloved daughter"
Preface, ix.
Foreword, xi-xiv.
Ch. 1: The Mediation of Revelation, pp. 1-23 (#1983-418a). Audio: #1981-TFT-5a.
Ch. 2: The Mediation of Reconciliation, pp. 24-46 (#1983-418b). Audio: #1981-TFT-5b.
Ch. 3: The Person of the Mediator, pp. 47-72 (#1983-418c). Audio: #1981-TFT-5c.
Ch. 4: The Mediation of Christ in our Human Response, pp. 73-98 (#1983-418d). Audio: #1981-TFT-5d.
Ch. 5: The Atonement and the Holy Trinity, pp. 99-126. (#1992-542a)
"Many years ago I recall thinking of the marvellous way in which our human faith is implicated in the faith of Jesus Christ and grasped by his faithfulness, when I was teaching my little daughter to walk. I can still feel her tiny fingers gripping my hand as tightly as she could. She did not rely upon her feeble grasp of my hand but upon my strong grasp of her hand which enfolded her grasp of mine within it. That is surely how God's faithfulness actualised in Jesus Christ has hold of our weak and faltering faith and holds it securely in his hand." (p. 83)
- Oklahoma History of Science Collections copy donated by James B. Torrance.
- PTS copy of the #1992-TFT-4 American edition.