Thomas F. Torrance, ed., Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Reformed Churches, vol. 2 (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1993); #1993-TFT-2 TEST
Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Reformed Churches, vol. 2. Edited by Thomas F. Torrance. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1993; #1993-TFT-2
Publication life cycle / General notes
Volume 1 (#1985-453); Volume 2 (1993).
Dedication: James I. McCord, "who did so much for Reformed Orthodox relations."
Revision status
Need TOC, related publications (see #1994-573h).
- Preface, vii. #1993-TFT-2a
- Introduction, ix. #1993-TFT-2b
- First Official Theological Consultation, Leuenberg 1988.
- Torrance, Thomas F.; The Triunity of God: Athanasius, Basil, the Gregories and Didymus, Epiphanius and the Council of Constantinople, 3. #1993-TFT-2c
- Dragas, George D.; St Athanasius on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, 38.
- Koev, Totju; The Teaching about the Holy Trinity on the basis of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Symbol of Faith, 61.
- Vischer, Lukas; Holy Spirit - Source of Sanctification, Reflections on Basil the Great's Treatise on the Holy Spirit, 86.
- Second Official Theological Consultation, Minsk 1990.
- Torrance, Thomas F.; Working Paper on the Holy Trinity, 109. #1993-TFT-2d.
- Voulgaris, Christos; Biblical and Patristic Doctrine of the Trinity, 122.
- Kaiser, Christopher B.; The Biblical and Patristic Doctrine of the Trinity; In what ways can their Relationship be Established?, 161.
- Archbishop Simon; The Trinity and Prayer, 193.
- Rigdon, Bruce; Worship and the Trinity in the Reformed Tradition, 211.
- Agreed Statement on the Holy Trinity, 219. #1993-TFT-2e
- Concluding Sessions, Kappel 1992.
- Significant Features, a Common Reflection on the Agreed Statement on the Holy Trinity, 229.
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