Thomas F. Torrance, "Bloesch's Doctrine of God," in Evangelical Theology in Transition: Theologians in Dialogue with Donald Bloesch, ed. Elmer M. Colyer (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 136-148, 229-230; #1999-TFT-2
Torrance, Thomas F. "Bloesch's Doctrine of God." In Evangelical Theology in Transition: Theologians in Dialogue with Donald Bloesch, 136-148, 229-230. Edited by Elmer M. Colyer. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1999; #1999-TFT-2
- Donald G. Bloesch & his career / Elmer M. Colyer
- Locating Donald G. Bloesch in the evangelical landscape / Roger E. Olson
- "Fideistic Revelationalism" : Donald Bloesch's Antirationalist theological method / Stanley J. Grenz
- Donald Bloesch on Revelation / Avery Dulles
- Donald Bloesch's doctrine of Scripture / Millard J. Erickson
- Jesus Christ in Bloesch's theology / Gabriel Fackre
- The Holy Spirit in the theology of Donald G. Bloesch / Clark H. Pinnock
- Bloesch's doctrine of God / Thomas F. Torrance
- Bloesch's doctrine of the Christian life / John Weborg & Elmer M. Colyer
- Donald Bloesch as a social prophet / James R. Rohrer
- Donald Bloesch responds / Donald G. Bloesch.
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