Elmer M. Colyer, ed., The Promise of Trinitarian Theology: Theologians in Dialogue with T. F. Torrance (Lanham, Bolder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2001); #2001-EMC-2
Colyer, Elmer M., editor. The Promise of Trinitarian Theology: Theologians in Dialogue with T. F. Torrance. Lanham, Bolder, New York, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2001; #2001-EMC-2
- Preface; Elmer Colyer, ix-xi; #2001-EMC-2b.
- Thomas Forsyth Torrance : minister of the Gospel, Pastor, and Evangelical Theologian; David W. Torrance, 1-30; #2001-DWT-1.
- T. F. Torrance in Relation to Reformed Theology; Alasdair Heron, 31-49; #2001-AICH-1.
- The Christology of Thomas F. Torrance; Andrew Purves, 51-80; #2001-AP-1.
- The Holy Spirit in Thomas Forsyth Torrance's Theology; Gary W. Deddo, 81-114; #2001-GWD-1.
- Being and Person: T.F. Torrance's Doctrine of God; Colin Gunton, 115-137; #2001-CEG-1.
- The Dimension of Depth: Thomas F. Torrance on the Sacraments; George Hunsinger, 139-160; #2001-GH-1.
- Reading T.F. Torrance as a Practical Theologian; Ray S. Anderson, 161-183; #2001-RSA-1.
- Revelation, Scripture, and Mystical Apprehension of Divine Knowledge; Kurt Anders Richardson, 185-203; #2001-KAR-1.
- A Scientific Theological Method; Elmer M. Colyer, 205-237; #2001-EMC-2c.
- Humanity in an Intelligible Cosmos: Non-Duality in Albert Einstein and Thomas Torrance; Christopher B. Kaiser, 239-267; #2001-CBK-1.
- Natural Science and Christian Faith in the Thought of T.F. Torrance; P. Mark Achtemeier, 269-302; #2001-PMA-1.
- Thomas Torrance Responds; Thomas F. Torrance, 303-340; #2001-TFT-4b.
- Appendix: Thomas F. Torrance's Major Publications: A Selected Bibliography, 341-346; #2001-EMC-2a.
- Indexes: Names, Subjects. About the Contributors.
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