George Dion Dragas, Saint Athanasius of Alexandria: Original Research and New Perspectives, Patristic Theological Library, 1 (Rollinsford, New Hampshire: Orthodox Research Institute, 2005)
Dragas, George Dion. Saint Athanasius of Alexandria: Original Research and New Perspectives. Patristic Theological Library, 1. Rollinsford, New Hampshire: Orthodox Research Institute, 2005
T. F. Torrance is cited on pp. xiii (Preface), 1, 18, 64 and 84. Chapter 5 reflects research carried out in conversation with Torrance.
1. Inhomination (enanthropesis) or He became man (egeneto anthropos): a neglected aspect of Athanasius' Christology.
2. The relation of nature to grace in the writings of St. Athanasius.
3. A note concerning Athanasius' soteriology.
4. St. Athanasius' doctrine on Christ's sacrifice.
5. Saint Athanasius' treatises Contra Apollinarem: Second thoughts on the research of the critics.
6. The right sense of the homoousion in Saint Athanasius' Contra Apollinarem I.
7. Fathers and heretics in St. Athanasius' De sententia Dionysii.
8. Conscience and tradition: Newman and Athanasius in the Orthodox Church.
9. A memorandum for the Athens reprint of J.-P. Migne's S.P.N. Athanasii opera omnia quae extant.