Jason S. Sexton, "Experiencing Justice from the Inside Out: Theological Considerations about the Church’s Role in Justice, Healing, and Forgiveness," Religions 10 (2019): 108
Sexton, Jason S. "Experiencing Justice from the Inside Out: Theological Considerations about the Church’s Role in Justice, Healing, and Forgiveness." Religions 10 (2019): 108
Received: 2 January 2019; Accepted: 13 January 2019; Published: 14 February 2019. Special Issue: "Carceral Intersections: Christianity and the Crisis of Mass Incarceration."
On the 8th page of the downloadable PDF, in the context of discussing the basis for dignity of the incarcerated body, Sexton turns to the incarnation and atonement with multiple citations to TFT's The Christian Doctrine of God (#1996-595).
Recent suggestions have been made that theology may have more to offer on matters related to the subjects of punishment, corrections, and rehabilitation than has often been acknowledged in the scholarly literature. This essay sets out to explore the merits of such claims with regard to how they might assist ongoing efforts to address mass incarceration, including the theological dimensions of punitive justice along with other potentially redemptive realities that theological reflection may illuminate and make more visible. Consideration will be given to the ongoing role that religion plays in the life of the prison before giving consideration to the ontology of the church as a social actor, especially as locally-constituted within the prison—the ecclesia incarcerate, or the prison church. The theological rationale for the basic existence of such an actor is explored along with the effects of such a vision for this kind of transformation the church may experience along with both promises and potential challenges that come with the church having its own ontology, not as a given, but as a creature of grace.