Todd Speidell, Editor (Contact)
Forthcoming issues
Vol. 12 for 2024. "Practical Theology."
Supervising Editors: Daniel J. Cameron and Myk Habets. Contact.
Status: Publication imminent.
Workflow page (editors only; requires log-in).
The work of Thomas F. Torrance is often characterised as dense, profound, daunting, and impenetrable. More so than its style, the content is often said to be intensely academic and concerned with what many describe as an esoteric form of theology. Those who have been readers of Torrance’s work for a while have the privilege of indwelling his work, both the content and the desired goal of his theology, and we see things very differently. Torrance's dogmatic theology is neither impractical nor devoid of ethics. Quite to the contrary, across Torrance's vast literary outpoint, one can find specific discussions on a wide range of practical, ethical, and pastoral issues, and in many more places, one finds a theological foundation upon which such practical issues can be built. This volume of Participatio offers perspectives into a range of practical and pastoral issues that benefit from the close reading of Torrance’s theological offerings.
Vol. 13 for 2025. "Papers from the Pandemic."
Supervising editor: Kerry Magruder. Contact.
Status: papers submitted by August 31, 2023; reviews ongoing. Expected publication: Winter 2023/24.
Workflow page (editors only; requires log-in).
"T. F. Torrance and the Sciences in Historical Context" and
"T. F. Torrance and the Sciences in Ongoing Dialogue"
Supervising editors: Kerry Magruder and Brent Purkaple. Direct inquiries here.
Status: call for papers.
Expected publication: 2026. Publication of papers in two issues of Participatio.
Perhaps uniquely among leading theologians of the 20th century, T. F. Torrance engaged the natural and human sciences extensively on several fronts including the history, philosophy, and theology of science. Despite a resurgence over the last twenty years of scholarship on Torrance from the standpoint of theology, his engagement with the sciences has thus far received less attention than it deserves. Contributions are welcome which explore Torrance and the dialogue between theology and the sciences in two complementary tracks: “T. F. Torrance and the Sciences in Historical Context,” consisting of critical interpretation of Torrance in historical context; and “T. F. Torrance and the Sciences in Ongoing Dialogue,” comprising critical appreciation of Torrance for ongoing work in related fields. More info: call for papers.
T. F. Torrance's Theological Influences
Supervising editors: Todd Speidell and Jason Radcliff. Direct inquiries here.
Status: call for papers.
We encourage scholars whose interests engage or intersect with those of T. F. Torrance to submit ideas for future issues, and unsolicited abstracts or mss., to the editor in chief: Todd Speidell (Contact)