2023 - Volume 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance"

Participatio 11: "The Priority of Grace in the Theology of T. F. Torrance" (2023); #2023-P-2
Todd Speidell, Editor (Contact)
Volume editor: Todd Speidell

Participatio v11 for 2023

Table of Contents

I. Grace and Nature in T. F. Torrance

Paul D. Molnar, "Conflicting Visions of Grace and Nature: Appraising the Views of Thomas F. Torrance and Karl Rahner," 3-59; #2023-PDM-1.

Jeremy S. Begbie, "Incarnation, Creation, and New Creation: T. F. Torrance and a Theological Re-Visioning of the Arts," 61-79; #2023-JSB-1. 2018 Annual Keynote.

Todd H. Speidell, "Interview with Paul D. Molnar," 81-97; #2023-THS-2.

II. Theology and Ethics in T. F. Torrance

Paul D. Molnar, "Torrance, Justification by Grace Alone, and 'Liberation Theology,'" 101-150; #2023-PDM-2.

Todd H. Speidell, "The Soteriological Suspension of Ethics in the Theology of T. F. Torrance," 151-190; #2023-THS-1. 2020 Annual Keynote.

Christian D. Kettler, "Response to Todd H. Speidell," 191-198; #2023-CDK-1.

III. Book Reviews

Ivor J. Davidson, "Review of Paul D. Molnar, Freedom, Necessity, and the Knowledge of God in Conversation with Karl Barth and Thomas F. Torrance (T&T Clark, 2022)," 201-212; #2023-IJD-1.

E. Jerome van Kuiken, "Up, Up and Away: Christian Kettler's Corpus and the Rise of 'Affective Barthianism': A Review Essay," 213-228; #2023-EJVK-2.

Christian D. Kettler, Review of Todd Speidell, Greg Marcar, and Andrew Torrance, eds., Søren Kierkegaard: Theologian of the Gospel (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2021), 229-233; #2023-CDK-2.


Date published online: February 29, 2024.

Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship is an annual, peer-reviewed, online journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship (www.tftorrance.org), a research fellowship within the Christian Church and tradition based on the theology of Thomas F. Torrance. The journal's mission is two-fold: to apprehend the significance of Torrance's work and to advance his evangelical and scientific theology for the benefit of the Church, academy, and society.

Participatio is distributed by the T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.